Chapter 13

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Clytia woke up exhausted, worn out. The night had been short. The man had stamina and didn't seem to need a lot of rest. She almost had to beg him to let her sleep after the fourth time.

She opened her eyes and turned around. Only to be met by the emptiness of the bed. She turned on her stomach, trying to catch more rest. It was Saturday after all. She felt ache in muscles she didn't even know she had. But she was happy, happily sored. She smiled to herself as she closed her eyes.

A moment later, she heard noises coming from her kitchen. Probably Nolam. Nothing to worry. But the noise wouldn't stop. She finally got up. She was about to barge into the living room to make him stop the noise when she saw her reflection. She looked like a zombie with a bird nest on her head. She needed to brush her hair and shower first.

After getting ready she headed to the living room. She could hear him laugh, but he was with someone. A woman. She got close.

"Ah! She's finally up!" said the woman.

It was her friend, Karen who was seated, a cup of coffee in her hands.

"Karen! Oh my God? When did you get here?" she exclaimed taking her friend in an embrace.

"About an hour ago" replied the other one.

"You should have wake me up."

"It's okay. I had a delightful company" said Karen with a bright smile for Nolam.

Clytia finally looked at him. He also was smiling. "Morning Honey" he said.

"Hi Nolam." She answered before sitting on the arm of the chair with Karen.

"What are you doing here?"

"You remember the job I applied to in New York? Well I got extended an offer. And here I am. They sent me here for a two weeks training."

"Wow! Congratulations Ree. I'm so happy for you."

"Thank you. I thought I'd surprised you today, but I was the one surprised. Damn girl! I can't believe you're married to Josh Winter and you said nothing to us."

Clytia ran her hands on her face as she groaned. I can't believe he told her that!

"Oh no! I thought he was joking but you're reaction just confirm it. Cly!"

She looked at him for help but he just kept sipping at his coffee.

"Ugh! It's complicated."

"Don't ugh us Cly. Why did you keep something like that for you?"

"I think I'll give you guys some alone time. I'll be at the gym down the street." Finally said Nolam as he got up.

"You don't have to go that far. There is a gym on the top floor of this building. The code to get in is 3031"

"Thank you" he said.

She noticed then that he was already dressed in a gym attire. He took a cap that he had left on the chair. Another cap, she thought. He walked over to her and give her a small peck on the lips before saying bye to Karen and leaving.

"He's so sexy! I'm jealous Cly. How come you're married? When were you planning on telling us that you're a married woman?"


"What? Clytia!"

"I'm not entirely sure I want to remain married to him."

"Are you stupid!" yelled Karen, obviously offended.

"Don't yell at me. This is all your fault."

"How is this my fault?"

"You remember that one night stand I had in Vegas thanks to your cocktail? Well it was him and apparently we got married that night due to how intoxicated we both were."

"Oh! Wow. Okay. You should thank me then. You've hit the jackpot" laughed her friend.

"That's not funny Ree. I'm married to a man I barely know." She then took her time to count the whole story and how confused she was.

"Does he want to divorce?"

"For some obscure reasons, no."

"Then chill girl. You have a gorgeous man all for yourself. He obviously like you and his family too. Thank God he isn't some conceited douchebag. From the time I had with him this morning, he is a charming and funny person Cly. You have nothing to lose. Try to see it as a new relationship and get to know the man before panicking. He is handsome, rich and is attracted by you. If I were you, I would lock him in a room forever just to make sure he doesn't run away."

"You're crazy."

"I'm serious Cly. Stop worrying so much for so little and see where it goes. What does your parents think of all that? Specially your dad?"

"They don't know yet."

"Oooooh Clytia. The longer you wait, the harder it will be to tell them! Just rip the bandage."

"You know I can't tell them. Not till I'm sure."

"Damn! Fine. But don't wait too long. What about Fiona?"

"She doesn't know yet."

"Let's call her then!"

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