Chapter 38

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They went home hours later, Nolam happy to not have to hide anymore, Clytia tired as never. They spent the following day by the pool, relaxing.

They didn’t want to go out since Clytia was leaving the next day, early in the morning. The separation was harder than expected. Nolam kept whining like a baby for her to call in sick at work. But, she was having none of it. She would be back the next week end.

The next weekend came faster. Clytia was so happy to be with her man again. She had spent the whole week preparing her suitcase. She wanted nothing more than to spend some time with Nolam.

Unfortunately for her, when she got there, he had other plans. He had accepted an invitation on their behalf. He was so excited about the event that she didn’t feel like telling him that she would rather lay in front of the TV than go out. But she said nothing. She got ready and followed him a smile on her face.

The ballroom they were in had been turned into a lux lounge with dozens of couches and a four-sided bar. Nolam walked her to one of the couches where were already chatting a group. The guests didn’t have to go far for their next glass of champagne.

A-list stars were more approachable than what Clytia would have anticipated. Her neighbors had involved her in the discussion, making her feel more relaxed as Nolam excused himself for a moment. She looked at him strolling down the black carpet in his navy blue tux. He looked sharp.

Some people were chatting here and there, glasses in their hands, while the other were on the dance floor having fun. Clytia was smiling at Nolam who had winked at her from the other side of the room.

The man she was currently talking to nudge her on the side, pointing at another side of the room where a giant dance circle that had formed. She could see a well renowned actress in a dress reminiscent of the fifties, swinging her hips and soaking in the attention from a slew of spectators.

Clytia couldn’t help but smile. She had to get close to the action to see what was going on. She followed the rhythm and kept smiling as more persons had joined the center of the circle, turning the whole thing into a dance battle.

It was fascinating to see how those celebrities completely turned into commoners once they were among their peers in a private setting.
She felt a hand on her waist. She slightly turned her head to meet her husband’s eyes. He started moving to the music with her, his lips leaving a trail of kisses on her neck.

“Bae?” She began not comfortable with the PDA.

“Honey!” he replied against her ear, sending delicious chills throughout her body.

“You drunk?” She asked, still following his movements, slowly grinding against his bulge.

“Do I have to be drunk to dance with my wife?” he replied playfully, turning her around to face him. His hands went to her ass as he gently squeezed it making her gasp.

“Nolam!” She scowled him.

He just smiled and kept dancing. He noticed that looked around them, making sure no one saw them. “Relax!” he gently demanded. “It’s just the two of us and the music.”

Turned out she did relax, allowing him to guide her. They were lost in their world, grinding and whining against each other when a loud bang broke their bubble.

A man, a director Nolam had introduced her to earlier in the night, had took a tumble and fell to the floor, flat on his back. He was laughing, sprayed out like a starfish, thankfully completely uninjured.  Someone helped him up as everybody was dancing off the moment.

Clytia concerned look for the man well-being, was quickly replaced by amusement as she heard. "He can’t help himself. Every fucking time. The guy can’t dance. But he doesn’t give a shit. Hope it will serve him a lesson.”
She laughed against Nolam chest.

Suddenly she felt him tensed.
“Bae you okay?” she asked, raising her head to meet his face.

“We should sit down a little.” Was his answer has he spun her.

Clytia felt something poking her back.
He has a boner! She thought to herself, trying her best to repress the laugh that was stuck in her chest.

He walked her to a couch and sat with her on his legs, in an attempt hide his problem.

“Don’t move!” he instructed her as he settled his head in the crook of her neck.

“Hey love birds!” said one of Nolam’s friend as he joined them.

“Hey!” replied Clytia smiling gently.

“What do you think of the party princess?” he asked taking a sip of his whiskey. “I know you’re your man loves it, but this is new to you.”

"Well, it's easy to get tangled in the pretension" She began truthfully.

"It's full of people living out what could be perceived as a dream. I can understand why Nolam loves to soak in. It’s a good way to blow off some steam."

“I’m glad to hear you’re coping just fine with this craziness. So, maybe it doesn't come easily at first, but it does eventually get going. You’ll be just fine. Take good care of our boy.” The man finished.

They kept talking for what seemed hours, before Nolam eventually dragged her back on the dance floor.
However, Clytia was too tired to last. She ended back on a couch chatting with some guests of the party. What surprised her the most was how versatile the different groups formed all over the place were.

Finally, as the clock ticked past three a.m., the dance floor started to empty out and a stream of people headed for the valet.

Thankfully, on Clytia’s point of view, it was hers and Nolam clue to leave the party as well.

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