Chapter 24

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The TV was on the music channel, the sound low, almost inexistent. It was the only noise coming from the room. No word had been exchanged between those humans. None was needed.

They were laying in each other's arms, enjoying the reassuring presence of their partners. As if there were alone in the world, no drama. None of them wanted to move, scare that it would break that peaceful bubble.

When she had woken up, Clytia had explained the reason her dad was expressing so much hatred toward their relationship. Nolam was shocked to realize how deep that issue was running. It was now clear that they had little to no chance to win his father in law. It was a too old injury. For the first time, he didn't foresee a positive outcome.

However, knowing that his feelings were shared and that she had no intention of breaking up was a relief. After that, not much had been said.

The next day, she took him on a tour of the city, exploring the touristic sites and discovering the local cuisine by themselves. It was like a prolongation of their bubble. They were in their own world with their issues forgotten for a while.

However, they had to face the music at night when they went to her uncle Alex's house for dinner. The men was surprisingly nice to Nolam. He even went to the extent of apologizing for his brother's behavior. He took the time to listen to Nolam's motivation. He promised them to do his best to convince Clytia's father.

But the following day, he came to them with bad news. The man had refused to accept them. Nolam could practically hear the pieces of Clytia's heart scrambling down the floor. She was losing her dad and it was his fault.

Hence his presence in front of this man who hated him as much for what he was as for taking his daughter away from him. Nolam had called in a favor with Clytia's mom for this meeting. Clytia thought he was resting at the hotel while she was on a shopping spree with her uncle's wife. Never in his whole life, had he felt so uncomfortable and vulnerable. A lot was at stake.

"I guess you didn't come here to stare at the floor. You wanted to talk, then go ahead." Said his father in law.

He was sitting straight, his legs crossed. His face was expressionless, yet his eyes was throwing daggers. His entire stature was the one of an annoyed person.

"Sir, I'd like to thank you for having me today. I realize that I am probably the last person you want to see right now..."

"Do not give yourself so much importance boy." He replied still annoyed.

Nolam took a deep breath. He hadn't thought about what to say. He was trying to be still. The man cold eyes were digging a hole in his skull. He straighten up and ran his hands on his pants in a fail attempt to hide his nervousness.

"Sir, ... you've made it pretty clear from our first meeting that you don' like me. And after hearing the reason, I totally understand." He started as his hands were still gripping his thighs.

"I love your daughter. With all my heart. And never in my life, had I thought was it possible to love someone so much. The way we got together is not conventional. But I can assure you that I would do anything for her. You've raised an amazing person. 

I've come to fall for her smile, the way she pinches slightly her lips when she is annoyed, and her stubbornness. She has a great heart. She is strong and courageous. I love Clytia with all my heart." He continued as he bored his eyes in the ones of his father in law, his hands still on his thighs.

"My mother taught me that parents want the best for their child. I can promise you sir, that I'll do my best to make your daughter happy and take care of her. I mean no harm. This is why I came here today. I don't expect you to like me or even accept me. But please, do not forsake her. Do not give up on her. She loves you and value your opinion too much." The man facing him was silent, so he continued.

"Please Sir, do not let her down. You don't have to have any kind of relationship with me. I'm here today to beg you not to severe the knot between the two of you. Your relationship with her does not have to suffer from my relationship with me. It can be two separate things. I can even make sure to never cross path with you if that can help. But please, do not give up on her. It is killing her that you are rejecting her. Please, just don't let her go." He finished.

His father in law kept staring at him for a while without saying a word. He had not move a bit during his speech. "Are you done?" he finally asked as he settled more comfortably in his chair.

"Actually no sir. I've been asking Clytia to mean her family for a while now. The reason is I wanted her parents' blessing." He fished out of his pocket a small box.

He stared at it few seconds before opening it with shaking hands. A beautiful emerald-cut diamond ring in platinum could be seen.

"My intentions were to ask officially for your permission. As you can see, none of us is wearing wedding rings and I wanted to correct that. It is clear for me today that it won't happen anytime soon. All I'm asking, no I'm begging you. Please do not let her go."

"Young man, you are nothing but a disturbance on my way. You have wasted enough of my time today, so I'll ask you to leave my house."

"I said out!" He toned, cold.

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