Chapter 48

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Clytia and Nolam spent the whole day arguing. This was definitely not how she had planned her day. They were both mad at each other. She needed to breathe, to get away from him and all the toxic energy.

She found herself wandering around Nick’s place, before heading to his apartment. When he opened the door for her, he grabbed her hand and gently tugged her in an embrace. He then walked her to his couch and sat beside her.

“I thought you guys were okay now!”

She scoffed, a sad smile on her lips. “It didn’t last long!”

“I never asked you what the problem between you and your husband was. But you know, you can talk to me if you need to. If you don’t feel like talking about it, it’s okay. Tell me what you want to do?”

“You’re always so considerate! I like you Nick.” She confessed, her eyes in his.

Nick caressed her face, his eyes gleaming.
“I more than like you Clytia. And you know it.”

Clytia closed her eyes. She wanted nothing more than to let herself go with him. He was so sweet. But it didn't feel right. Was she really willing to lose Nolam for an infatuation?

She sighed as she opened her eyes.
“My husband got mad at me because I told him that I like you and I wanted, no I want to have sex with you.”

Nick’s mouth formed an “O” as his jaws dropped down. He nervously cracked his neck.

“Don’t you want him anymore?”

“I do want him. I love him. But I want you too. I know it makes no sense, but... arghhh!”

Clytia got up and starting pacing back and forth. She stopped after a while when she realized that Nick hadn’t said a thing after her declaration. She looked at him and noticed his eyes were on her, full of lust and something else.

He grabbed her hand and forced her on his lap before attacking her lips with his.

It was their first kiss. She had imagined it sweet and tender. But it was anything but that. Nick was strong and demanding, his tongue literally fucking hers while he grabbed her ass.

When she broke the kiss, they were both out of air. Nick had a huge smile on his lips.

“Do you want to spend the night here?” He asked, hopeful.

“I can’t. I’m sorry. Nolam is at my place. It would be disrespectful.”

“You, telling him you want another man isn’t disrespectful?” He asked, one eyebrow raised.

“Nick!” She warned as she got off his lap.

“You might not like what I am saying but you know I’m right.”

“No! You are not. I am trying to convince him to have a threesome with you! It’s not being disrespectful. It’s about having a fantasy and sharing it with your other half. Sex is about exploration and experimentation. But if Nolam says no, I won’t do anything.”

“What makes you think I would be interested in what you’re offering right now?” Nick seethed.

“Don’t you want me?”

“I do want you. But it doesn’t mean I want a threesome!” he yelled, annoyed at her dismissive attitude.

“Well, the choice is yours.”

He sighed. He really liked her. Maybe it was his only shot. “If that’s the only way I can have you, then okay.”

He took her hand and gently guided her back on his lap. He softly kissed her shoulders as his hands grasped her ass and squeezed it.

When he felt her relaxed into his arms, he let his hands roamed underneath her shirt, caressing her skin and nipples as he cupped her breast. She laid her head on his shoulder, her eyes closed as she let her senses absorb him.

A low moan escaped her mouth as he bit her earlobe. She raised her head to look at his hooded eyes. He pressed his lips against hers as she wrapped her hands around his neck, bringing his closer. His hands went to her hips, grinding her against his semi-erect manhood. He was the one moaning now through the kiss as he was getting harder.

Clytia was also extremely excited. She kept grinding onto him, with long and slow stroke, as her release was getting closer. Suddenly, she felt him jerk beneath her, his muscles tensed, making her stop.

She frowned a little. “Did you just …?”

Nick’s breathing was fast. His eyes were shut closed. “I’m sorry.” He breathed.
“I’ve dreamt so much of that moment …! I last longer usually. This is …”

He looked so confused! Clytia felt sorry for him. At the same moment, she was fighting to prevent herself from laughing.

Men and their ego!

“It’s okay.” She reassured him with a peck on the lips, her desire dead.

“I should head back home!” She let out as she stood up, readjusting her dress.

“And you should go take care of that!” She added, indicating the mess on his pants with her fingers pointed toward it.

“Okay! I … uh…”

“I’ll call you!” She interrupted him one more time with another peck on his forehead this time and left.

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