Chapter 67

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Clytia was waiting for Nolam in the hall. He was at the reception desk checking them out. He turned his head in her direction and smiled at her. She smiled back at him. She wasn’t really paying attention to her surroundings. She was just thinking about the last twenty four hours. It had been a rollercoaster of emotions. She had always been good at listening and being present for her loved ones. However, she had never felt comfortable sharing her real feelings. Younger, she was perceived as being stoic and reserved.  Growing up, she had learned how to hide everything behind a smile or  distract the other person by making them talk about themself. She knew how to handle pain and hardship without showing it or complaining.

Now, with Nolam, she felt different.

Everything was different. He stripped her of her armor. Little by little. She didn’t know when it happened. But she felt naked. Emotionally naked. It scared her how he had break her walls with so much ease. And the scariest part for her was how free it made her feel.

She walked outside and stood in front of the hotel. It was still cold. She like the chill in the air. It made her feel alive. She closed her eyes, leaned her head back and took a deep breath. It felt good. Really good. Maybe it wasn’t that bad to rely on someone else. Maybe it wasn’t that bad to have someone you could be unapologetically yourself with.

Is it was they called soulmate? She smiled at that thought. If soulmates do exist, I would not want mine to be anyone else but Nolam.

“Are you trying to freeze those sweet cheeks of yours?”

Clytia’s head snapped to the voice. She smiled. Nolam had just stopped the car at her level, and had a grin on his lips. She shook her head and got into the car. “Can someone remind me why I married that idiot?” She asked playfully, putting her seat belt on.

Nolam laughed at her question. “Because you were drunk!” He offered on the same tone. “Or maybe because you liked that idiot cute face and nice ass!” He finished with a wink before turning his attention back to the road.

She shook her head without replying, a smile on her lips. She turned on the radio and started singing along. She felt so calmed and relaxed. She looked at Nolam. He still had a smile on his lips. He seemed to be genuinely happy. Maybe she could get him a gift. No. I will get him a gift. Christmas
was around the corner. And she still had not figured out what she could buy for him. What can you get for someone who already has everything?

“Are you okay?” Nolam’s voice snapped her out of her thoughts.

“Yes.” She looked around. This was not his parents’ house. “Where are we?”
Nolam had parked in an ample parking that could pass for a drop off area.  Clytia got out of the car. She spun around, looking at her surroundings. She had not realized that she got lost in her thoughts the whole ride. They were standing in front of a magnificent oceanfront residence.

“What’s this place Nolam?” Clytia asked him while looking at the handsome masonry garden walkways just in front of the house.

The place was huge. It looked different from what she was used to. The rough concrete blocks with dark colored glass and rusty metal inclusions that covered the exterior facade were not common.
However, they worked perfectly with the local environment and made the place stand out.

Nolam took her hands and walked her into the house. “This is the house where I’ll be filming my next movie. I asked for the keys, thinking we could visit it. Maybe it could give us some ideas for when we’re ready to buy our house here?” He said.

“The house itself is spread over three floors. If I remember correctly, it’s uhh… I think over forty thousand square feet of built-up area.” Nolam said as he looked around as well.

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