Chapter 61

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"Nolam, wake up!" He heard his mother screaming.

He bolted awake, sweating profusely, his heart threatening to come out of his rib cage and his breathing labored. His eyes fell on Clytia. She was on her heels on the floor, between his legs. One of her hands was grabbing his shoulder when the other one was on his arm. It took him few seconds to realize that he had been dreaming. He saw her lips moving but he didn't hear what she was saying. He took her hands and assessed her wrists for any cuts. When he saw nothing, he sighed loudly, grabbed her and crushed her against his chest, breathing in her scent.

"It was just a nightmare." He said out loud, relieved to realize that it was only a nightmare.

Gently, Clytia got out of the warmth of his embrace and look at him, her eyebrows furrowed. "Are you okay? You kept repeating NO in your sleep and your breathing was so erratic. Do you want to talk about what got you so riled up?"

Nolam didn't answer. He was looking at her like it was the first time he was seeing her. He grabbed her one more time for another hug. Clytia remained between his arms until his breathing went back to normal.

"Nolam? Are you okay?"

"I am. I just... I" Nolam didn't know what to say. Everything had seemed so real. The blood, her limp, unconscious body pressed against his. It felt so real. He really thought he had lost her for good. He leaned into her, his head on her shoulder, his arms snaking around her waist "Can we stay like that?"

She didn't answered. She just hugged him back for a while. They remained silent for a while before Nolam let out "You're so frail."

Clytia frowned. She untangled herself from his embrace and got up. "That's none of your business." She snapped while walking back to the bed.

Nolam got up and followed her, standing by the side of the bed while she settled against the headboard. He was about to apologize when she spoke "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to snap at you. I'm just not in a good mood."

"It's okay. It just shocked me. I like you better with more meat on your bones." He tried to joke.

"It doesn't matter what you like, does it?" She replied bitter. "Do you want to talk about your dream?" She asked, trying to change the subject. She raised her eyes to stare at him. But he shook his head. She nodded, not wanting to push more.

"Your sister and your mother were here this morning. They left an hour ago." She said, trying to fill the awkward silence.

"Oh, okay. Do you want me to call your parents?"

"No, that won't be necessary. I don't want them to worry. It should be fine. The doctor said I can leave this afternoon."

"Oh. That's good. I'll ask Ma to go and pack your things to bring them back home."

"Not necessary Nolam. I'll be fine on my own. I'm no longer your responsibility and I certainly do not want your pity.I'll just take a taxi and head home. "

"Like hell you will! I'll be damned if I let you go back to your apartment alone. Can you imagine what would have happened if my mother was not with you when you passed out? You could have died!" He groaned.

"This is not up for discussion Clytia. I'm taking you back home with me."

She can be so infuriated! I cannot let her alone. Not now. He thought.


"No Clytia. You can cuss me out if you want but I am not letting you out of my sight anytime soon."


"You don't have to do all that Nolam. I'll be fine."

Clytia was sitting with her in-laws in their living room when Nolam came with her medication and insisted she took it in front of him. She felt embarrassed. He was treating her like a kid. He had been at it the moment they left the hospital. She did not want to appear ungrateful, but she was annoyed. And the more he kept watching over her shoulder, the more she found herself on edge.

"Son, you should back off a little and let her breathe." Her father-in-law said.

"I am only taking care of her. She is still my wife." Nolam replied while sitting on the other side of the couch where she was. He didn't seem to understand why she was so eager to push him away. All he wanted to do was to help her.

"It's not like I'll remain his wife for long." Clytia said under her breath.

Unfortunately for her, Nolam had heard her. He turned on the couch, facing her with a frown on his face. "What did you just say?" He asked, his eyes narrowed at her.

Clytia sighed. She didn't want to argue with him. At the moment, all she wanted was to be left alone. She had to pretend she was fine for the whole day, keeping a gentle smile on her lips to make sure people would stop asking her if she was okay. She had exhausted all her acting skills for the day.

She ran a hand over her face and sighed. "I'm sorry you have to witness that" She started, looking at her in-laws before facing Nolam. "Let's stop all that acting Nolam. I am too tired to pretend. You wanted to get rid of me. I get that. I understand. I am not mad at you for that. But please, just stop playing the devoted husband. It is getting on my nerves."

Janice and her husband seemed slightly uncomfortable. They looked at each other, wondering if they should leave them alone to deal with their issue.

"What are you talking about?" Nolam asked, looking perplexed.

"The divorce papers!" Clytia scoffed. "I received them, thank you! But don't worry. I'll sign them as soon as I get back to my apartment. Oh, I have a better idea. Why don't you go there and bring them back with you? I'll sign them right away."

Nolam gasped, his whole face frowned. "I never sent you divorce papers." He said, sounding genuinely surprised.

"Right!" Clytia replied, while rolling her eyes.

"I swear." He said, this time with more strength.

"The envelope was empty." They heard a voice on the side, making them both turn to face Janice.

She had a guilty look on her face. "I am sorry Cly." She said taking one step towards her. "The envelope is empty. I wanted to get a reaction out of you. I was hoping it would have make you fight harder to win him back if you thought he wanted a divorce. That's why I told you to not open the envelope until you were sure about what you want. I am so sorry."

Both Clytia and Nolam were flabbergasted, their eyes round.

"Oh!" Was the only sound that left Clytia's mouth.

"You did what?" Nolam and his father said together.

"I am sorry. I had no ill intention. I swear. If I had known then that you were pregnant, I wouldn't have... I... You have no idea how bad I feel now."

Clytia realized she was crying when she felt her cheeks getting wet and her lips quivering. She didn't know what to say. She didn't know how to feel. She stared at Janice, whose eyes were red now. She had no doubt on the intention of Janice. Surely the woman meant no harm. And she could never, on her right mind, put the blame of her miscarriage on her.

Suddenly she felt Nolam getting up. She turned and saw that he was fuming, his whole demeanor was screaming aggression with his jaws clenched. She automatically left the couch and stood her front of his, acting as a barrier between him and his mother.

"She lost our baby because you were trying to get a reaction out of her?" He seethed.

Clytia put a hand on his chest in an attempt to rein his anger in. "Nolam, don't put the blame on her. I am the only one responsible for what happened. I should have taken care of myself."

"Don't..." He started, looking down at her.

"No. You don't put the blame on your mother." She insisted, then turned her head towards Janice. "I don't blame you Janice. I would never." She said with a sad smile, before looking at Nolam.

He was looking at like she had grown another head. "Can we go to bed now? Please. I am tired."


"Please Nolam. We've had enough drama for today."

His eyes roamed over her figure before settling on her eyes, with an uncertain emotion in his. "Fine." He finally let out, clearly not pleased with the outcome of the discussion.

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