Chapter 52

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Clytia had pushed Nick off her, surprising him.

She sat, her arms around her while she looked at his eyes that were waiting for an answer.

"I ... I'm sorry!" She started, tears in her eyes. "I thought I could do it. But I can't. I'm so sorry!"

She looked at Nick as he looked back at her. Hurt.
"Clytia ..."

"I'm sorry Nick. I just thought I could do it. That I wanted it. But now, I can't..."

Nick put a finger on her lips to shush her.

"It's okay. I get it boo!" He smiled sadly.

"You should do something for the poor man!" Nolam said.
Clytia turned her head toward him, only to meet his expressionless eyes. She was confused. Why was he pushing her to do IT with Nick? She thought he would have been happy with her sudden change of heart.

As if Nolam could read her, he continued.
"This is what you wanted Cly. You were willing to risk our marriage for that... for him. You cannot just leave him like that. Finish him." His voice was poised. It was not a suggestion. It was a demand.

She turned back to Nick, suddenly nervous.
"Let me finish you off with my mouth." She proposed.

"You don't have to."

"Let me do it."

Nick hesitated a second before getting rid of the rubber. Clytia took him into her mouth. His eyes seemed glued to her lips as his breathing came out in quick bursts.

She took him in the back of her throat, making him hiss at the pleasure. Clytia kept her eyes on his face, seeing him tense and moan as she sucked him.

"Fuck. I'm going to come."

She pumped him harder as his grunts became louder, till he shoot into her mouth. And for the second time of the night she swallowed.

The awkwardness of the following moments made Clytia cringed. Nick dressed as she put on a robe while Nolam remained unmoved on the chair.

She wanted to bang her head against a wall when Nick walked to Nolam and thanked him for the "opportunity". After that, she walked him back to the main entrance.

"I'm so sorry Nick." She apologized one more time.

"Stop apologizing. Even if we didn't get to go all the way, this is the best night I have ever had. And I'm grateful for it. You're so beautiful Clytia. I should be the one apologizing for not reaching your expectations."

"No. It is not your fault."

"Neither yours boo." He smiled before caressing her cheek.

He drew her closer and kiss her gently on the lips. "My goodbye present." He whispered against her lips, before turning his back and living.

Clytia sighed as she closed the door. This was not how she had envisioned her night. She really felt bad for Nick, as well as for Nolam. She didn't regret the experience since it made her realized that she didn't need another man to make her feel complete.
If anything, it was the opposite. Having shared her bed with Nick had been good, but not great.

Nolam had still been the one giving her the most powerful orgasms. He knew her body maybe better than she did herself. Even when Nick was inside her, she couldn't help but to compare them. Nick didn't fill her like she liked to be fill. And she thought he was a little too vocal for her. His rambling and dirty talk, was supposed to be sexy by at the end of the day, it was annoying.

She sighed one more time and walked back to her bedroom.

When she entered, Nolam locked the door behind her and towered over her, looking at her with his green eyes.

"Are you satisfied?" He inquired.

His face had been void of any feeling while they were having the threesome. However, now, she could read the animosity in his eyes and his voice didn't hide it either.

Clytia knew the question was a trap, so she refused to answer. She went and sit on the bed. Nolam walked angrily towards her and pushed her back on her bed. He kissed her, biting and pulling at her lips while he lifted her legs and thrust hard into her.

Clytia gasped from the pain and pleasure. Nolam didn't go easy on her. He kept drilling into her, throughout her cries for him to slow down until he reached his orgasm.

Clytia tried then to push him off her, but he wasn't having it. He grabbed both of her arms and plunged into her one more time. He fucked her into her own orgasm and kept his punishing rhythm till he reached his a second time.

When he crashed on the bed beside her, Clytia crawled on the other side of it, her breathing irregular.

"What ... has gotten ... into you ... Nolam?"

Nolam let out a dark chuckle. "Who do you belong to?" He asked, sitting up, his back facing her.

"What?" Clytia replied, her brows furrowed in confusion.

"You heard me Clytia. Reply to the damn question!" His voice boomed in the room.

Clytia remained silent as she looked at him. Nolam turned towards her, a grin on his lips.

"I guess I'll have to teach you something tonight." He said, his voice an octave lower, sending chills through her body.

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