Chapter 20

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Nolam was standing on the side as he looked at his wife in the arms of her father. She had been stressing out for the last two weeks about this meeting. After THAT phone call with her mum, she had turned into a zombie in the house. It took her almost an entire day to come back to the normal side. She had other discussions the following days with her mom and she seemed to be a little more relaxed. She had introduced him to her mother and they had a little conversation via video call. She was a little distant but he understood her fears for her daughter.

For her father, it was different. The man knew she got married but had refused to talk with him. Hence that 12 hours flight. They had landed and went to their hotel to shower before coming to her parents' house.

Clytia got out of her father's embrace. She had a worried look in the eyes and her smile was off. She walked to Nolam and took his hand to introduce him.

"Papa, je te présente Nolam. (Dad, please meet Nolam)" She said looking at her father.

"It's a pleasure to meet you sir" said Nolam with his hand extended.

Her dad completely ignored him and turned to his daughter. "Je pensais que tu venais avec ton époux. Où est-il? (I thought you were coming with your husband. Where is he?)"

Clytia was perplexed. She looked at her mom and brother on the side. Her mom avoided her stare while her brother shrugged.

"Papa, Nolam est mon mari. (Dad, Nolam is my husband.)"

Her dad remained silent for a moment, glaring at both of them. He looked at their intertwined hands, his face void of emotion. It was really tensed.


Without giving her time to finish her sentence, he spun and walked straight into the house, leaving them all shocked. Nolam didn't know how to react. He wasn't expecting so much hostility. He could feel Clytia trying to suppress the shaking of her hand. He looked at her as he clenched it with his own. 

However, she was looking at her mom. They seemed to have a mute communication through their eyes, before Clytia released herself from his hand and followed the path her dad took earlier with her mom. He hadn't noticed that Carl had walked to him and got startled when he gave him a clap on his back, inviting him to follow him inside as well.

Carl tried to entertain him, making plans with him for the following days. But Nolam wasn't entirely there. He was worried for his wife. It was evident that his father in law didn't appreciate him. He just wished he wouldn't be too hard on Clytia. 

She was a tough girl but he knew that if things didn't go well with her parents, it might be the end of their relationship. He didn't trust the strength of her feelings for her to go against her parents' will. That scared the shit out of him. He couldn't lose her now that she was finally opening herself to him.

After a few minutes, he heard quick steps coming their way. He knew it was her. When he saw her, his heart missed a beat. She looked defeated, her eyes blood shot. She had cried, or at least was on the verge of crying. Her hands were shaking nervously, shoulders slumped. He had never seen her like that, not when she was mad, not when they fought. Right now, she looked like a little girl fighting hard to retain her tears. He stood up and tried to reach out to her but she avoided his touch. She looked at her brother and said in a raspy voice.

"Peux-tu nous ramener à l'hôtel Carl? (Can you take us back to the hotel Carl?)"

As soon as she finished, she walked outside, never looking back.

God, please don't let it be the end. He thought, scared to move.

Clytia hadn't said a word since they left her parents' house. She refused to talk and locked herself in the bathroom. She was crying. He knew that. He could hear her over the shower. He asked her to come out and talk to him, but he received no answer. When she finally came out, two hours later, her eyes were all red and puffy. She looked pale, almost lifeless, like a zombie. She walked to the bed and laid dragging the cover over her head. Nolam sat behind her, caressing her back through the cover.



"Clytia, talk to me."


"Honey, please."


"Please, don't shut me out."

She remained silent. He finally laid beside her, still caressing her back. She turned to face him, not looking in his eyes. She was fixing his chest, as she put her hand on it. He took it as an opportunity and encircled her with his arm. She let him do, resting her head on his chest as she took a deep breath and clenching his T-shirt.

"I am not going anywhere Cly. I love you." He whispered in her ear as he felt her finally relaxing in his arms.

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