Chapter 46

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Clytia woke up feeling deliciously sore. She smiled recollecting the events of the night. Make up sex was definitely one of her favorite now.

She heard noises coming from her kitchen. Her man was making the breakfast.

My man! She giggled at that thought.

After showering and getting ready, she walked to the kitchen. There he stood, his pants hanging low on his hips, shirtless. She realized at that moment that he had lost some weight. Nothing dramatic, but yet noticeable.

He turned around and smile when he saw her.

“Hey honey! Did you sleep tight?” He asked setting two plates with bacon and pancakes.

“Yeah. You?” she replied following his every moves with her eyes.

“The best night of my life.”
When he noticed she raised an eyebrow, he laugh and added.

“Okay. Maybe not of my life, but the best of a long time.”

He extended his hand to her and she took it, allowing him to drag her to his chest and kiss her softly.

“Time to eat.” He said as he broke the kiss.

After eating, they settled in the living room, Clytia’s feet across Nolam’s thighs on the couch, as they were watching the TV.

Clytia looked at him. He seemed relaxed. Even though his eyes were on the TV, he was gently massaging her feet like he used to do.

“I don’t have to look at you to know that there is something you need to get out of your chest.” He said, still not looking at her.

That was true. She needed to talk to him. But how was she supposed to bring up such a delicate subject when they’d just reconciled.

“What is it?” he encouraged her as he slightly turned to face her.

She took a deep breath and began.
“You said yesterday that you’ll do anything for me, right?”

“I did indeed. What do you want me to do?” He asked genuinely wanting to please his significant other.
He noticed how she squirmed, her sudden discomfort even, as she removed her feet from his.

“Being away from you, I did some introspection. Me, us, our couple. I realized that there is something I really want to try. At least once. I need you to keep an open mind.”

She paused and looked at him. He was carefully listening to her.

“I don’t want you to think that you’re not enough. Hell if this night is any indicator, you’re more than enough. You always tend to my needs and make sure to please beyond understanding. I love how you know when to make love to me and when fuck me hard, leaving me sore for days. I love it Nolam. I just want more. For the past few weeks, I have built an emotional connection with someone else.”

She noted how his eyes instantly grew darker and his posture when from relaxed to stiff. But now was not the time to back down. She had to tell him what she wanted.

“I am interested in seeing if there more to that. I want to have a new experience.”

“So you’re asking my permission to cheat on me?” He asked surprisingly calm.

“No, that’s not what I want. Technically it won’t be cheating since you’ll be …” she hesitated.

Maybe, it wasn’t a good idea after all. His entire demure was too cold for her liking.

“You want to have sex with another man Clytia. Interesting?” He nodded for himself, as if he was actually considering the thing.

“Okay, I agree. Go ahead!” He let out a smirk on his face, his eyes narrowed.

Clytia was surprised by how quickly he approved. He had always been possessive. And now, he would just let her with another man?

“Really?” She asked a little taken aback.

“Hell no!” He roared this time, making her yelp at the noise.

“Are you drunk or high?” He continued on the same tone. “Because you wouldn’t be asking me that if you were in possession of your mind.”

“You said anything!” She protested.

“Anything but that!” He yelled, clearly frustrated.

She tried to grab his hand but he pushed her away.

“I love you Nolam. And nothing or in this case, no one, will ever change that. I am not telling you that I want to leave you. That is not my intention. This is an opportunity for the both of us. My heart has opened up to someone else. And I’ll be exploring those feelings whether you like it or not. I am just giving you the heads up.”

“You wouldn’t dare Clytia.”

“I’m way past asking for permission Nolam.”

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