Chapter 6

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"Oh! One last thing." He said turning back.

He walked back to her. Without giving her time to react, he took her face with his hand and kissed her. Surprised by that action, she didn't pushed him. She just stood there, eyes wide opened. He took it as an opportunity and put his other hand on the small of her back to draw her closer, pinning her to his body and deepening the kiss. 

It wasn't a tender, gentle kiss. It was passionate, hungry and lustful. She pressed her hands on his stomach to push him, only to find rock hard abs under her fingers. He didn't bulge. She found herself moaning against his masterful tongue, which made him broke the kiss. She refused to look at him, staring at his chest. He used his finger on her chin to force her to look up in his eyes. She thought she would have found a cocky smile on his face, but he was serious. His eyes were bearing lust and something else. She couldn't read it but she was troubled.

"I lied when I said we have a meeting with a judge." He said not releasing her.

"What?" She replied as she tried to remove herself from his grasp without success.

"I'm not letting you go Cly. Not after this kiss. We might have been intoxicated when we did get married, but that thing, the way you make me feel when I hold you like that, it's worth fighting for. It's worth seeing if there's more to it."

She gently pushed him and turned her back at him. "You should leave Nolam. You'll have my lawyer contact you later on."

"No, I'm not. I came today to invite you at my family's house. They know everything and they want to meet you. If after that, you still want to cancel the wedding. I'll let you go."

To say that he was happy with how their conversation ended the night before would be a lie. She had kicked him out. Literally. However, he wouldn't confess defeat. Just a bigger challenge to be tackle. Now, it was his pride. He wanted her, he would get her. There was something about her that made him want her more. It was more than just for his image. He wanted her for himself. He wanted to see that free, joyful and a little crazy part of her he saw in Vegas again.

"Why would you tell them?" she said turning back to face him, sounding surprised.

"You didn't tell your parents?"

"No! Of course not!"

"Well I don't hide important things from my family. Think about it. Just this week end! After that I'll sign whatever document you want me to."

"Without any complaints?"

"Without any complaints."

"Fine." She said extending her hand for a formal hand shake. "Send me the details and I'll be there."

He looked at her hand a second before grabbing it and pinning her to his body for another kiss.

Clytia has been staring at the door in front of her for a minute. Debating whether she should ring the doorbell or go back. After his previous impromptu meeting at her office, Nolam had call her every single day, making sure she was okay. He was always charming and respectful. He had provided her with the ticket and had send a car to pick her up at the airport. She wanted to go to the hotel first, but the driver had received specific orders. Now she was at his parent's house and she wasn't sure it was a good idea. She was about to walk down the street and call a taxi when the door opened.

"Hi, you must be Clytia. Come on in" said the tall man who had opened the door with a smile on his face.

"Hi", she answered shyly.

Once she got in, he took her in a big hug.

"Don't be shy, we are huggers here."

She smiled and nodded.

"Let me get that" he proposed taking her coat and luggage from her and putting them on the side of the hall. "I'm Chris, by the way, the more handsome man of this household." He continued full of energy.

Clytia smiled at him. He was really welcoming. "It's a pleasure to meet you." She answered sincerely. She was somehow less stressed.

She followed him to the living room where she saw an older couple, probably the parents.

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