Chapter 25

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Clytia came back from her shopping spree relatively happy. She had met with some old friends and it was good to be able to forget her problems for few hours. When she entered the hotel room, she let the shopping bags in the entrance and walk straight to the bedroom.

"Bae?" she asked looking around.
He had told her he wouldn't leave the hotel. It was unlike him to go anywhere without at least informing her.

"Nolam?" she said as she walked to the bathroom.

He wasn't there. He was supposed to be back from his lunch with Carl. She returned in the bedroom, only to notice something or rather someone was hiding on the other side of the bed on the floor. It was him.

"Nolam, I have been calling you since I got back. Why didn't you answered?" She asked annoyed.
"Whatever! I bought some things for you. And there was this dress I literally fell in love with. I hope you will like. It will be perfect for a date night. Did you turn the AC on full? It is pretty cold in here." She continued as she returned to her bags.

Still nothing. He didn't reply. So unlike him.

"Nolam!" she said one more time as she walked back to him. He had his head in his hands. They were slightly shaky. She sat in front of him. His eyes were staring at a point on the floor. He was so pale. Despite the coldness of the room, he was sweating.

"Oh my God! Are you okay?" she asked as she checked his temperature with her hand on his forehead. It was normal.

"Bae! Eh! Look at me!" she said as she cupped his check and forced him to look at her.

He didn't seem to be able to focus on her. His eyes were void, dull, almost like he was lost in his thoughts. His breathing was raged, almost like he had run a marathon second ago. She knew those signs. It didn't take a genius to figure that he was having a panic attach.

"Bae" she said softly while she took his hands in hers. "Bae, breathe with me okay?"

She took a deep breath before exhaling slowly. She did it one more time. He seemed to acknowledge her presence, his brows frowned.

"Breathe with me please" She pleaded.

"One" she inhaled, "two" exhaled, "three" inhaled, "four" exhaled.
"Tell me five things you can see right now" She urged him.

He seemed lost. "Five things you can see Nolam" She pressed gently.
"The window, the curtain, the table, the floor, you." He finally let out in a breath.

"Good. Now four things you can hear."
"The AC, my heart beat, your voice ... and ..." he seemed stressed by the fact that he couldn't list the fourth element.

"Hey! It's okay. You're good. Breathe with me. Come on. Three things you can touch."
"The floor, the bed behind me, your hand."
"You're doing great bae." She encouraged him.

His breathing was back to normal. His hands were no longer shaky.

She approached him to get closer to him, her forehead against his.

"I'm here bae. Tell me two things you can taste." She asked as she released one of her hands from him and cupped his face. "Things you can taste Nolam." She murmured against his mouth before giving him a peck on his lips"

"You" he finally said totally calmed. "You taste like chocolate and smell like flower. The most beautiful flower." He finished as he snaked his arms around her waist and kept her tight against him for a while.

When she was sure he was okay, she pushed him gently and got up, taking him with her.

"Let me run you a bath" she proposed.
"No, I'll just take a shower. Wait for me here."

He came back later, totally refreshed.

"How are you feeling?" she inquired as he sat on the bed beside her.

"I'm better. Thank you honey" he replied while he laid on the bed his head on her thighs. Slowly, she ran her fingers in his hair, caressing his scalp.

"What happened earlier Nolam?"

"A panic attack" he answered simply.

"You're stating the obvious bae. You know that is not what I'm asking."

He sighed and turned to face her as he remained on her legs.

"I went to your father and we had a little conversation. No actually, it was more like I did the talking before he threw me out of his house."

"Oh my God!" she exclaimed. "I am so sorry. You shouldn't have done that."

He groaned as he sat, clearly annoyed.

"I had to do something. I know he is your dad, but don't understand how he can be so narrow in his thought."

"Nolam, you shouldn't have gone to him. But I appreciate your involvement. However, it does not explain the crisis you had. What did he tell you?"

Immediately, she felt him tense up, his shoulders stiff as he looked at her.

"It's not what he said, more like what he didn't. He let me talk, trying to convince him as I said earlier. He listened to me, then he not so nicely ask me to leave his house. I really wanted to make things right. I thought that if I'd gotten a chance to talk to him, he would warm up a little. But I was wrong. Then, I started stressing about it," he continued as he got up, pacing in front of her and avoiding her eyes.

"Just thinking that I might lose you due to ... makes me sick. I can't lose you Clytia. I... I'm scared that you will leave me. I know how important our parents are. I know I can never compete with them. If competition there is, I will surely lose. And I can't stand that idea."

As he spoke, he sounded defeated. It pained her to see him like that.

She walked to him and posed her hands on his stomach to stop him. She had made up her mind the night before. Even if she understood her father's grief, it was her life, her happiness that were on line. Nolam was good to her and for her. 

She had never thought I would come to this: her own father threatening her. It was time to severe that knot and focus on the man she who was willing to give her the moon if she asked for it.

"I chose us Nolam." She breathed, her eyes finally meeting his. "I chose you" she completed.

Nolam pull her closer in a tight embrace, his hand resting on top of hers.

"I love you." He said finally reassured and grateful.

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