Chapter 70

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Clytia had woken up almost one hour ago, to the voice of Nolam playing with the dog. She cleaned herself up and went back to bed. She could hear Nolam with his brother talking in the living room. She didn't understand how they could be so lively so early. Another thing was that she did not want to deal with Chris. But she was getting hungry by the minute. After a while, she decided to join them and have breakfast.

"Morning." She said kissing Nolam who was sitting on the kitchen island, a cup of coffee in his hands.

He put down the cup and prevented her from moving away from him with his hands on her waist. "Good morning Honey." He nuzzled neck, before sighing in content

"Hi Cly" Chris responded. He was standing few feet away, also with a cup of coffee. "Did you sleep tight?" He asked with a playful glint in his eyes.

"Do I look like I had a good night of sleep Chris?" She replied, turning around, her back now nestled into Nolam's chest. She heard Nolam whispering into her ear a sorry before planting small kisses on her shoulder, while Chris was laughing at her.

"Looks like someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed." He chuckled.

Clytia rolled her eyes and removed herself from her husband embrace. "Fuck you!" She grabbed Nolam's cup and took a sip of his coffee. "I am not in the mood for your stupid games."

"Oooh! Bro, you should have tell me that you guys are into some kinky shit." Both Clytia and Nolam frowned and stared at Chris who had a grin on his lips. "Damn, I wouldn't mind having a piece of that cake!"

It took Nolam a minute to realise what his brother was implying. He jumped off the island, walked to him and punched him on the shoulder, making him drop the mug, its content spilling at their feet.

"The hell bro!" Chris yelled, grabbing his shoulder and stumbling few steps back.

"I don't know what you're on, but that shit ain't funny. Brother or not you don't get to disrespect my wife." Nolam meant business. He was standing tall, his shoulders squared.

Chris looked at his brother and he knew from the look he had in his eyes that he had not appreciate what he had said. As if the punch he had received was an indication enough. "It was a joke! No disrespect! Fuck! That shit hurt." He quickly said, his hands raised in surrender. He looked over to Clytia who seemed to be unbothered by what was happening while she was frying some eggs. "I am sorry Cly. I didn't mean to offend you. You know how stupid I can be sometimes."

Even though what Chris had said was inappropriate, Clytia did not want to dwell on it. It was too early. And she was hungry. "You're lucky I am too hungry to deal with you right now." She shrugged. "Nolam do you want some bacon with your eggs?" She asked to her husband, who was still glaring at his brother.

Only then, did he relaxed his posture and replied "Yes, thank you honey."

She turned back to the stove, adding the bacon to the pan.

"Hey! Can I have some bacon with my eggs as well?" She heard Chris ask from behind, before a dull thud followed by a startled yelp.

She instantly spun, only to see Chris folded in half on the floor. "The fuck is wrong with you. What did I do this time?" He breathed out, while trying to catch his breath.

"That's for kissing my wife yesterday."

Chris looked surprised. "I was drunk. I didn't know what I was doing."

"Keep your fucking lips away from hers. Drunk or not, the next time you pull something like that, it won't end well for you."

"Fine! I didn't know you were so possessive and jealous. I'm sorry."

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