Chapter 19

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Hi loves! Thank you everyone for the read and votes. I really appreaciate it. I'd like to dedicate this chapter to JaneNola and Jordan_1_22_1997 . Thank you guys.To my dear DinaHusseini84 , Thank you.*************************************************

Clytia felt a hand caressing her thighs. She knew she was dreaming. A pleasant dream. Fingers were drawing the moisture between her legs wild. In and out. In and out. At an excruciating rate. She whimpered while she let her hips follow the rhythm. Suddenly, she was empty. She was about to use her own fingers when she felt something else fill her up. Oh God! So good! One hand was playing with her nipples as the marvelous cock kept plunging within. It felt so real. She didn't want to wake up. She laid her head back only to meet a hard body. It was too real.

She opened her eyes and gasped as Nolam spun her on her stomach and thrust deeper into her. He kept going till they both climaxed, leaving them panting.

"Good morning honey" he breathed with a husky voice.

She finally turned, staring at the ceiling with a bright smile.

"It is indeed a good morning." She replied making him laugh. "What time is it?"

"5.17 a.m." He replied as he reached for her phone. "What's the program today with your brother?" he asked as he sat on the bed.

"Normally, Carl is supposed to drop me at work so he can keep the car. I don't know what he wants to do tough." She said going back under the cover."

"Do you mind if I check with him to do something together? You know; spend some time with my now brother?" he asked raising his eyebrows.

"I'm fine with it. I actually like the idea of my men running around together."

"Your men, huh?!" he scoffed pinching her on her arm.

"Ouch! Nolam!"

"It's for keeping me out for two weeks."

"It hurts. I hate you so much right now" she said playfully.

"I know" he started laughing. "I love you too honey."

She was about to answer when her phone started to ring. Nolam looked at the screen, then handed it to her. It was her mom. She would normally leave the room but she had promised she would do things right and now was her shot. She looked at him, to see him looking at her eagerly, expecting her to leave as usual. She picked up as she sat too, her head on his shoulder, dragging the cover to protect her nudity.

"Allo. (hello)"

"Cly, comment vas-tu? Je ne te réveille pas j'espère? (how are you ? I am not waking you up, right ?) "

"Bonjour maman. Ne t'inquiète pas. Je vais bien et toi? (hi mom. Don't worry. I am good and you ?) "

"Je vais bien. Je viens de parler avec ton frère et il m'a dit que tu as quelque chose à me dire. De quoi s'agit-il ? As-tu enfin trouvé un homme ? Oh non, ne me dis pas que tu as décidé d'utiliser un donneur de spermes pour te faire un enfant comme ta cousine ?! (I am good. I just talked to your brother and he told me that you have something to tell me. What is it? Did you find a man? Oh no, don't tell me you've decided to use a sperm donor to have a kid like your cousin?"

Clytia sighed. The discussion about her singleness had been avoided for a while now when she all but snapped at her mom who wanted a few months back to introduce her to her friend's son. Now having her own brother betray her made her uneasy. Damn Carl! She thought. Her brother knew from the beginning everything about Nolam. He had always told her to be honest and tell the truth to their parents. But she wasn't ready to face them. And now that he had met Nolam, he had taken the man into sympathy and had bug her about it every single moment they were alone the previous night.

He is a good man sis. I don't think I would be able to support what you're doing if I were in his shoes. It's not like they can kill you! You're a grown woman. You need to face them and stop being a chicken. She recalled him saying.

She looked over her shoulder at her husband who was staring at her. Now was the time. She got off him but remained on the bed. There was no going back.

"Ouais. Maman, je suis en couple avec quelqu'un. (Yeah. Mom, I am in a relationship) "she said hesitant.

"Pourquoi tu parles comme ça? C'est une bonne chose chérie. Qui est cette personne ? (Why do you sound like that? It's a good thing darling. Who is it?) "

"Hm ! ... "

"Clytia ! "

"Maman. C'est un acteur. (Mom. He is an actor.) "

"Chérie, nous ne t'avons pas envoyé là-bas pour que tu prennes soin d'un acteur se cherchant. Tu mérites mieux. (Darling, we didn't send you there to take care of a struggling actor. You deserve better.) "

"Il s'en sort bien maman. Il gagne bien sa vie. (he is doing just fine mom. He makes a pretty good living.) "

"Prend t-il bien soin de toi ? (Does he take good care of you ?) "

"Oui. (Yes) "

"Bien, c'est le plus important. Comment s'appelle-t-il ? Parlez-vous de mariage ? Quand comptes-u nous le présenter ? (Well, that's what matter. What's his name? Do you talk about marriage? When will you introduce him?) "

"A propos de ça. Ne te fache pas. Nous sommes déjà mariés. (About that. Don't be mad. We're already married.) " Her voice was a mere whisper, nervous.

The line went silent. Not a sound came from her mom. Clytia finally stood up and started pacing in the room under the worried looks of Nolam.

"Maman? Dis quelque chose STP. (Mom? Say something please)" she tried, sounding like a frightened kid.

"Ce n'est pas drôle. C' est une blague ? (it isn't funny. Is it a joke ?)"

"Je suis désolée maman. (I'm sorry mom) "

"As-tu perdu la raison? Ton père va te tuer. Qui est-il? (Have you lost your mind ? Your dad is going to kill you. Who is he?)" almost screamed her mom.

"Il s'appelle Nolam. (His name is Nolam.) "

"Ça ressemble à un nom de blanc ça... OMG, c'est un homme blanc, n'est-ce pas ? (it looks like the name of a caucasian... OMG, he is white, isn't he ?) ".


"Je vois. Okay. Tu as fait ton lit, tu devras assumer les conséquences. (I see. Okay. You've made your bed, you'll have to face the consequences) "

"Maman, STP (Mom please) "

"As quoi pensais-tu donc ? Ne pouvais tu pas trouver un homme comme nous ? Tu connais ton père Clytia. Tu ferais mieux de ramener ton cul ici et lui annoncer la nouvelle toi-même parce que je ne le ferai pas si c'est ce que tu veux. (what were you thinking ? Couldn't you find someone like us ? You know you dad Clytia. You better bring your ass back here and tell him the news. I won't do that for you, if that's what you want) " she kept going.


"Je peux juste pas... on parle plus tard (I just can't... we'll talk later) ". And with that she hung up on her. Leaving her speechless and disappointed. Her eyes were shining with tears. She knew it wouldn't be easy. But her mom was supposed to be the most comprehensive of her parents. What would the reaction of her dad be? She took a deep breath and turned to face Nolam with a sad smile.

"I hope you have nothing planed for the upcoming weeks. We have a trip to organize." She said not hiding her fear.

He didn't need to ask how her mother took the news. It was obvious that it didn't go well. He felt bad for her. It was evident that she was apprehensive.

"You okay?" he asked standing in front of her.

"It could have been worst. I guess."

He drew her close to him, keeping her in the warmth of his embrace. "It's going to be fine. They'll come around."

"Eventually" she said more to herself, but he heard it.


I have a question for you all : Why do you think Clytia didn't want to introduce Nolam to her family?

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