Chapter 69

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The end of year festivities were exceptionally wonderful. They spent a lot of time with Nolam's family. For new year's eve, they traveled to Clytia's family. Things were kind of awkward at first, but luckily her father tried his best to be if not friendly, at least cordial.

Everything seemed to be going right. They were now living in an Airbnb while their house was being renovated. Nolam had started filming. And Clytia was back to work in a new company. Clytia really appreciated their new environment. With Nolam working in Boston, it was almost like he had a normal nine to five job. It was good to have him around. She even started to dream less about their kids. She was not a big fan of the therapy, but it had really helped them. They both felt like they were in a better place.

However, at the moment, clytia was pissed. It was two in the morning and she was driving to go pick up Nolam and his brother at a bar. She did not understand why they had to wake her up in the middle of the night, when they could have called a taxi or something. Her week at work had been long and stressful. They had tried to get her to go to the bar with them, but she needed to rest. Unfortunately, they called and disturbed her sleep.

She was just parking in front of the bar, when she noticed that there was some drunk men shouting and yelling profanities. She did not feel safe. She made her doors were locked and called Nolam. She did not want to stay longer than necessary in that place. "I am at the door. Could you guys hurry up?" When she saw them, she unlocked the doors without looking at them and started driving as soon as they were into the car.

"Hey lil sis!" Nolam's brother, Chris, said from the back seat.

"Chris." She replied annoyed.

"Can you say thank you to my bro for me? He is mad at me." He slurred.

Clytia rolled her eyes internally. She did not want to get involved in whatever drunken mess those brothers were.

"Sisssssssssssssssssssss" Chris slurred one more time when she ignored his request.

"Man, shut the fuck up!" Nolam groaned, making Chris whine. Clytia scoffed. Clearly, Nolam was mad at his brother. But she did not want to know the reason. She just wanted to drop Chris off at his place and go back to bed. She stopped at the red light and looked at Nolam. He had his head on the head rest, his eyes closed. She could tell that he was still awake. She turned her head and looked at Chris was on his phone. She turned back round when she noticed some blood on Nolam's shirt. She looked up and there was some blood on the side of his head.

"What..." She started, her eyes wide in horror as she gently grabbed his chin and push his head on the side to have a better look at the wound on his head. "Are you okay? Oh my gosh! What happened?"

"I am sorry Cly" She heard Chris say from the back.

"What is that?" She asked, this time livid. They both looked like kids caught with their hands in the cookie jar. The light turned green and she started driving again. "Are you guys going to tell me what the fuck happened?"

She could see from the corner of her eyes that they both were avoiding her gaze.

"This is not the way to my apartment." Chris said.

"We're going to the hospital. Your brother is bleeding and none of you thinks I deserve to know what happened."

No one dared to talk after that. After a while, she felt Nolam's hand on her leg. "We don't have to go to the hospital. It is not serious."

She sighed. "This is not making me less worried Nolam. You have a wound on your head, with blood on you. How do you expect me to react to that? What happened in that bar? Did you get into a fight? Is it bad?"

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