chapter three ; trial

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your pov:everything felt so dream-like: you were awake, your eyes were wide open, but you could not see yourself through the pitch-black darkness that surrounded you

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your pov:
everything felt so dream-like: you were awake, your eyes were wide open, but you could not see yourself through the pitch-black darkness that surrounded you. you were able to move around: flail your arms, kick your legs and turn your head, but you could not seem to move your way out of this void.

it was so, so cold, as well: as if you have been thrown into the deepest parts of a cold lake as your body began to grow numb from the frigidness. you grew to wonder if your friends thought about it this way as well and if they ever tried to swim out of this deep lake. 

slowly, your eyes were greeted with the picture of your destination that faded into the frame: rewarding you with a sense of relief and the reassurance that you have made it into the trial safely and soundly. your feet had finally touched the ground, which had you stumble for a slight second. 

glancing around at the milieu, you sighed as you knew what this meant next - you had to be in another trial. had it not been possible, you would be either living your life with your new friends or walking down the streets of your city trying to find another journalist company with open positions fit for you. unfortunately enough for you and the rest of the damned souls in this dimension, that seems close to impossible.


a familiar voice whispered loudly for you as you looked around for the source of the voice. as you noticed laurie, she waved at you with a relieved face as you walked to her. quickly enough as you got closer to her, she held your hand and embraced you with a tight hug. 

slightly in shock by her actions, it took you a second until you could process what happened as you slowly wrapped your arms around her, returning the hug as she let out a soft sigh. "i am so glad you are okay," she mumbled, "you must have been so confused in the first place, right?"

you nodded your head, watching as she broke away from the hug and smiled at you. "we have to whisper, so we do not attract any danger. okay?"

"alright," you agreed as she dragged you away by your wrist. after a little moment of walking, she was able to bring the both of you to a generator. you sat down in front of it as she began to work her magic on the broken contraption. you observed as her hands worked fast with the repairs of this subdued machine.

leisurely, you began to follow her steps. you contemplated the way that you had to make things work, in order for you to not mess up and put laurie in danger. eventually, she noticed your hard work and snickered. "you're doing so well at this y/n, it's like you knew how to do these things a long time ago!"

you looked at her and smiled. "maybe i have," you replied, "i was always observant with how things worked, after all."

"well, you're pretty good with your work! now, you have to do something called a skill check, to speed up the process. look, here is one right now! you have to make sure that you click the button at the right time!"

turning back to your part of the workspace, you watched the skill check pass by you. messily getting it and successfully completing the repairs, you sighed with relief. standing up, you heard that same certain melody that you heard before. it appeared as if laurie had heard it too: grabbing your wrist and dragging you away once again, you ran with her to evade the possible danger that crept up a distance behind you.

hiding behind a smashed wall, you sat down and hugged your knees as you tried your best to keep your calm. you prayed to your senses that you could bring back the former you that was brave enough to avoid the dangers within during your adventures - it felt like you were changing into someone you did not want to be.

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