chapter nineteen ; the journal

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a few minutes earlier..

trickster's pov:
nothing much happened when i got back from the void; all i ever did was just sharpen my blades while trying to enlighten and keep its neon blue and purple glow, it is my signature weapon anyways. while doing so, though, y/n was all over my mind. i thought of her again, and it was saddening that there wasn't much moments that i spent with her; i want to spend more time with her, to get to know her, and to see what me and her have in common. i groaned as i felt a sharp pain at the tip of my finger; a cut from sharpening my blades. i sighed as i put my blades down, wiping the blood off slowly from my bleeding finger. i fell silent for a little while, then began to chuckle; is this what being distracted by love is like?

"hey ji-woon! whatcha up to?" I heard danny's childish ass voice once again as he sat down beside me as I continued sharpening my blades. "what child play are you up to now?" i asked annoyed as he laughed. "nothing! is it that bad to check in on a good buddy?" he giggled as he wrap an arm around my shoulder as i chuckled, rolling my eyes slightly as i got back to focusing on what i am supposed to do. it was silent for a while, which made me concerned since usually ghost face would be cracking these small yet stupid jokes making me laugh in pure concern for his mental health. i shrugged the feeling off as i let the silence take in the atmosphere around us. it didn't take long for it to disappear because danny began to shake me aggressively. "JI-WOON, JI-WOON, JI-WOON!" he chanted my name as i looked at him. "what is it? you're shaking me as if you saw a ghost!" i yelled as he pointed somewhere. "she's there!"  he exclaimed as i immediately knew who he was talking about. i got up and looked at where he pointed. "where!? i don't see her-" i got interrupted by danny's loud laughing filling my ear. i looked at him, annoyed. "you really are whipped for that girl!" his obnoxiously laughter turned into yelps of pain as i pulled his ear. "yeah well guess what? you like my manager!" i exclaimed as we both got into a cat-fight or something; i don't know, we just grabbed onto our heads and ears like we were maniacs. 

"seriously? you guys are still fighting over girls?" rin grumbled as we stopped pulling at each other, ghosty laughing shyly. "well.. she is pretty amazing and sassy after all." he giggled as i chuckled. "well, your wifey isn't there ghosty, but ji-woon, yours is. and i think she would need help." adiris spoke as my eyes widened in delight and my cat-like smirk making its way as i pulled myself together. "she's getting the help she'll need then." i chuckled as i began to venture out of the killer campfire, of course not getting caught because my handsome self would NOT like that, and swiftly was able to get out of my co-killers' vision. i whistled a song that i used to remember and listen to all the time; 'save' is a good song, you can't tell me otherwise. (a/n: stream save lovelies<3 okay i need to focus now.)

i saw a familiar figure in the distance; someone with the familiar black trench coat, laying down on the ground face first. my intuition begins to mess around with me; what if she isn't okay? what if she's laying there with a big injury? oh god. i quietly but quickly began to make my way to the girl laying down on the cold hard ground, sighing of relief upon seeing she isn't injured at all. however, i did see 2 other survivors with her. "yun-jin and.. who is this guy with the messy curly hair? my stylist could never." i scoffed quietly as i went over to them, their conversations becoming distinct.

"i can't help you y/n! you're fucking stuck in there!" yun-jin's voice groaned in annoyance as y/n whined. "how did you even get your arm that deep into the machine?!" she yelled as she facepalmed. i smiled widely as my adrenaline came back to itself. 

"allow me to help."

i spoke as the other survivors looked at me, especially this guy who looks like he babysits for a living. i glanced at my girl, who smiled, which made my heart enlighten itself. "no, you aren't going anywhere near her." the boy spoke as i looked at him, slowly becoming annoyed by how defensive he is. "oh come on. i'm just here to help her, not hurt her or anything." i laughed as i slowly went over to y/n, whose arm is currently stuck in the machine as i chuckled. "i got you, darling. you're gonna be just fine." i smiled as i stuck my own hand inside the machine, feeling her soft finger tips graze mine as i pulled her arm out successfully. we both watched as the snacks finally fell out from the jam that it was in. grabbing one, i stood up and looked at them happily. "thanks ji-woon." yun-jin smiled as i bowed. i then notice something beside y/n while she was busy with her snacking galore; a journal. maybe that's y/n's. i looked around as i quickly got the journal and stored it into my secret pocket. "anyways, i shall get going now. i'll see you soon~" i winked as i walked away from the three survivors; hearing y/n wave me off from behind me made me turn around and flash a finger heart at her, smirking as i disappeared from her vision. now time to figure out what is inside this journal of hers..

i approached a little forest area near the killer's campfire as i sat down; taking off my boots i let my feet soak in on the small lake as i took out the journal from my pocket, carefully holding it so it wouldn't slip and fall into the water beneath me. i looked at the brown leather journal; its cover seemed worn out, but the pages are completely fine. it felt soft, and it reminded me of her soft fingertips. i smiled as i opened the book cover to the front page. there wasn't much in the front page, just her name and the date of her starting the book. her handwriting is slightly messy, but it's good enough to be read. i like it. i began to go through all her entries, seeing some slight sketches of plants and bees as more of her handwriting filled my eyes as i was amazed with how devoted she is with her work. i furrowed my eyebrows as i noticed the paragraphs that expressed her frustration during working times; me and her have a lot in common. i then came to one page where it seemed like it was more messy, and less visible. luckily, i was able to read it well. i began to read it carefully, taking in all the details of the ink that made the words visible enough for me to read. 

november 18
they knew my sister died, but they didn't know how or what happened. that's a good thing; i don't want to deal with being in jail. it's quite saddening though; they have been ignoring me ever since i got to visit them. do they know? i don't think so, and they better not.

how nice. they still don't acknowledge me. after everything i have done. i guess i can never be sister, huh? that won't matter anymore, they won't even talk to me or acknowledge my existence anymore. i don't need to bother. the sun is rather covered with a blanket of clouds today; the rain was pouring once again, and this time, lightning accompanied this rainy weather. maybe it knows what i have done. maybe it knows what the occasion is today. 

that is exactly why i love the rain. it knows.

my eyes widened once i finished reading that entry. my thoughts began to run ever so wild in my brain as i began to realize that we really do have a lot in common. she wants to be acknowledged, and so do i. my eyes widened even more as i grabbed at my cheeks, scratching at it as i began to let out a laugh. my laughter began to resonate throughout my ears as the maniacal feeling and psychotic adrenaline rush waved over me as i laughed even more, holding the journal close to my chest. i felt myself going ever so mad because she and i have so much in common that we both have the same goal that we both want to achieve: to be known to everybody.

"my my my, dear y/n!" i exclaimed as i calmed down from my laughing frenzy, giggling as i stored away the journal the girl owned, walking back to the killer campfire, adiris was looking at me. "you were quite the obnoxious laugher back there, mr. hak. what has gotten into you?" she asked me as i laughed again. "just the adrenaline rush through my veins. you know how i am when i get that rush." i smirked as she chuckled. "it better not be something you are coming up with. it reminds me of what's going with me." she shuddered remembering she's still hit with the plague in herself as i walked away from her, laughing. i then met rin and ghost face inside my tent talking as i sat down. danny looked at me as he clapped in delight. "and soooo~? how did the little meet-up go hmmmm?~" he sang-sung as i rolled my eyes smirking my infamous cat-like smirk as i pulled out the journal out from my pocket.

rin gasped as she came over to us, crossing her legs despite her floating in the air. "you stole that from her?" she asked as i nodded, laughing again. "why wouldn't i? and by just reading this journal i have come to realize that she and i have a lot more in common than any of you would think!~" my mouth plastered a wider smile than usual as ghost face laughed. "wow, you're damn lucky you got a girl ji-woon." ghost face laugh decreased to a chuckle as i rubbed his back. "hey, you're still gonna be able to sweep my manager off of her feet anyways." i rolled my eyes sassily as he giggled. "thanks!" he said as i nodded back at him watching as he walked away whistling happily with his hands behind his head. i chuckled as rin went beside me. "how are you even going to win her heart if you guys are on opposite teams?" she asked me as she crossed her arms. i yawned as i laid down on my bed. "of course, i'm gonna do whatever it takes for her to be closer to me. and you," i poked her cheek, "you are going to help me." i said as she groaned out of annoyance. "i told you to not touch me! jesus christ, why doesn't anybody understand that?" she grumbled before floating away and out of my tent, which made me chuckle as to how she has such short temper.

i looked at the journal that was with me again, and stared into its empty pages as i pictured me and her together; to be fair, i still did not have a plan with me, so maybe this would help. my thoughts began to die down as the only thing remained in my mind was me and her together, right here, right now. i covered my face as i groaned annoyed; it hasn't even been an hour or so, but i already miss her. what is she doing to me? this is driving me crazier than i thought. i then remembered her laughter; it was totally different than mine, but it made me feel even more lovesick from her touch and her presence around me. after a while of what seemed to be of me wanting to be with y/n again, i finally gathered myself together as i sat up, and went over to my blades as i continued sharpening them again. 

i'm going to get her and have her closer to me than ever. no matter what happens.

third person pov:
"okay y/n calm down! you're gonna get your journal back, promise!" laurie hugged the journalist who was currently idly panicking in her seat that surrounded the campfire as kate shook the girl as well. "don't cry now darlin'! everything's gon' be a-okay!" she tried to assure the girl who was this close to bursting into tears. steve sat beside the journalist, who looked at him with wide eyes and a smile that spoke 'i am this close to ending it all', which made steve chuckle and pinch the girl's cheek. "is it something valuable to you?" he asked as she nodded slowly, still maintaining her questioning expression. he chuckled as he hugged her. "it's all gonna be alright. we're gonna get it one way or another, okay?" he assured her as she nodded, calming herself down. deeply inhaling and letting out a long exhale of breath, she smiled. "maybe it's just going to come back to me." she mumbled to herself as she stood up and walked over to her tent, where she was finally alone with her thoughts.

"whoever has it might know about me and my sister.." she said quietly as she sighed, laying down on her bed as she covered her face. suddenly, a pounding pain became present inside her head and her body began to ache. "claudette!" she yelled for the botanist, who came over to her rescue as her friends followed behind her.

she doesn't know this, but something's going to happen.

and we'll never know if it's a good thing or not.

𝙠𝙞𝙡𝙡𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙢𝙚 𝙨𝙤𝙛𝙩𝙡𝙮 | the trickster × female readerWhere stories live. Discover now