chapter forty-two ; hold me

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third person pov:
the final fight.

many people may think that this was going to be something that was going to result to an easy win - the trickster would lose to the entity. but whenever it comes to things that mr. handsome trickster wants, its glory and the thing that he is eyeing for.

and that thing he is eyeing for is right above him.

now you may be wondering, why isn't ji-woon snatching the girl up with his chance, and running away? well, that was surely possible.. if they weren't located in a void somewhere outside the realm of the glorious entity, who can control and hurt the duo at the same time, and can also do something that would snatch the girl away from the korean, but that was not a problem.. yet.

though the words of those that have been chosen as survivors are true, it still wasn't assured that it can be false too: death is not an escape.

the intense sword-pillar fight between the two was nothing but shaking the considered "earth" outside the void: who knows what else is out there anyways? but that was not the main concern here, anything outside the void-now-battlefield mattered.

what mattered most was two lives and one vow in here.

the handsome Korean breathed heavily, the sharp scratching of the entity's leg pillars causing him to cringe and gag, but that did not stop him. eyeing the girl that was floating in nowhere and everywhere all at once. he was trying to think of something that did not involve crying for her or telling her to wake up, but thought of something else.

something that was going to be hard.

throwing one of the blades into the endless void, no longer can you describe the void as endless - it seems as if though something lays in it.


a voice shouted out for him from the darkness within - a tone so familiar, all his actions have stopped and he remained standing idly. his head faced the possible labyrinth that was laying on the side that his eyes stared at.

something made him feel like he was being watched, and that something was staring right back at him.

"who.. who is there?" a sudden ache in his head entered, causing him to be thrown off. "ji-woon!"

the more than it called out its name, the more pain the ache intensified in his head. temptation was knocking at the door of ji-woon's mind, loosing him from the actual mission his heart wanted to achieve: to hold y/n, and to never let go like he did all those times before. for him to at least feel a sense of her holding his hand before any form of demise or punishment coming from the entity was sent to his direction.

his footsteps began to slowly but hesitantly walk over to the void, but he kept stopping. soon, he was near enough to the void where a glimpse of his deepest memories - stored away in the depths of his mind - could be seen with his very own eyes. his eyes slowly widening, the remarkable experience in front of him unrolling could not make him anymore absorbed in what he was going to do.

but he was so wrong.


the familiar voices coming from his late band mates, those that have died thanks to his own hands, screaming the same words in agony all over and over again. fear ruling over his heart: he could not help but want to save them. but there was also someone else he had to save.

the choice was difficult.

trickster's pov:
"you have a choice ji-woon," the entity spoke to me, "if you save those boys, you can change time and you can be brought back your little happy group again. but if you save her, you lose them. so, who are you going to choose?"

𝙠𝙞𝙡𝙡𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙢𝙚 𝙨𝙤𝙛𝙩𝙡𝙮 | the trickster × female readerWhere stories live. Discover now