chapter twenty-five ; finally

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third person pov
the campfire fell silent upon the arrival of the journalist: the sounds of the tree branches rustling were the only things that resonated throughout the entire setting.

the heavy panting belonged to y/n, who was trying to compose of herself as she noticed her friends plus yui, nea and steve all gathered up inside her tent — which was open clearly to the outside.

"alright? uhhh, what do we talk about?" she asked as she went inside ready to approach them but she was stopped by a gesture of yui, telling her to stay where she is.

she raised an eyebrow, unaware of the situation going on inside her own haven when she suddenly noticed the journal in kate's hands - that journal. her eyes widened, realizing that she had been caught. and most damn right, her secret has been revealed.

rather, secrets.

"no wonder you have been so caught up with other things lately y/n." nea chuckled bitterly as her eyes wandered to kate, whom she had a conversation with a while back. she looked back at the graffiti artist, whose face made it seem like she knew all along. y/n clenched her fists.

"how.. why.. did you go through my stuff? out of everything, why going through my personal belongings and not talking to me personally?" she uttered as steve stood up whilst crossing his arms.

"because even journalists don't have truths in their lies, y/n." he spoke.

wasn't that something you might have heard before?
wasn't that something that just seemed to have reminded you of something in the past you might have forgotten all about?
it sure seems like it.

the girl remained silent as kate slammed the journal onto the ground, surprising everyone else with the sudden demeanor change.

"don't you think that we are already tired of it y/n? we want your old self back, but hey, it wasn't even your fault am I right? it is all because of the stupid curiosity that led you here to this situation!" kate exclaimed as she went up and threw a slap onto the girl.

but the girl didn't react to it.
no shocked expression or any sort of emotion was displayed in her face.
all that was there was her eyes that showed no care at all.

"but did it hurt you in any way though?"

the people gathered in the tent fell silent: though she was right, there just seemed to be a lot more history than they expected to know.

"explain how you killed your own sister then. how do you claim to be someone that proclaims the truth when you just cover it all up?!" yui shouted, dragging attention from the outside as the others looked in. but the journalist was not shaken.

"if you wanted to get revenge because someone took something away from you, would you do that too?" she asked in an eerie manner. "yes but not in the way where I would have to take a life, especially from my own family member!" nea exclaimed.

"you don't have a say in it then.
you never did."

throwing sudden damage with her magnifying glass, y/n was somehow capable of having hit nea's temple with it as she fell to the ground. watching the scene unroll shockingly, Steve tried to interfere but was stopped by the girl who was just too fast for him.

I mean.

journalists do take time to observe their surroundings anyways.

"y/n stop this!" yui threw a punch at the girl too, but something was wrong. her hands began to bruise. holding her bruised hand she groaned in pain as she walked out of the tent, calling out for the other survivors to apprehend the girl attacking them.

𝙠𝙞𝙡𝙡𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙢𝙚 𝙨𝙤𝙛𝙩𝙡𝙮 | the trickster × female readerWhere stories live. Discover now