chapter eighteen ; home

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(a/n: wrote this at 2 am after a nightmare, so sorry if this seems a bit puzzling at some parts!)

trickster's pov:
i felt myself get transported back into the entity's void, sighing as i somehow felt nervous for my second time being here; for sure, it won't be so friendly with me now that i have acted so differently with the other survivors. it was fine anyways, they got on my nerves. i felt myself get dismounted after being hoisted up by the entity's pillars as i saw it right in front of me. "why did you bring me here again?" i raised an eyebrow as i wiped the blood off of my cheek as it got into the same sitting position it did last time, sighing as i looked at it again after seeing my blood-stained hand. "you've never raged before, ji-woon." it echoed as i rolled my eyes. "and so? what's there to be concerned about if i'm just being angry?" i talked back as one of its pillars poked me slightly, but nothing painful and such. "you're really in love with her, aren't you? one single sight or picture of her, you go crazy for her." it said as i pushed its pillars away, adjusting myself in my position as a result. i scoffed as i laid back down. "and whatever happened to you being against with me and the survivor i like for once?" i asked, chuckling out of disbelief as i covered my stomach with my jacket since it was rather cold in this dimension. the entity stayed silent for a while, going around somewhere as it came back with some cups and tea. i looked at the cups confused as it poured me some tea. silently giving it to me while a sound of its glassy and sharp edge scratching the cup, i chuckled as i took it into my hand carefully.

"i may be against that, but unless something happens, i might just consider it." it said as i looked at it, my eyes widening with its answer. i never expected this from someone who even trapped me here telling me i can't be in love with someone from the opposite side. i furrowed my eyebrows slowly purely out of confusion. "you for real right now?" i asked as i heard it laugh distortedly. "again, if something happens that will make me consider it." it replied back to me as i sat up, gripping the heated cup tightly in my hands as i began to think of anything that could possibly happen in my brain, and what the outcome would be. the silence kept growing around me and the entity in front of me as i kept on thinking. the more i thought of it, and the results that would come out of it, it made me smile widely with the fact that i can do anything to be with her and just her. this is.. this is exciting! this is quite amazing to know! this is-

"if you keep thinking about it it might not just come true." it said as i immediately halted my thoughts as i changed my direction to looking at the entity. "whatever. why am i even here again?" i asked before i heard it sigh quietly, smirking as i felt myself get transported back to my camp, feeling yet another wave of adrenaline through my veins. this is going to be good.

your pov:
while the others gathered around together after felix and elodie somehow got to find some food in the wilderness, you remained sat down inside your room as you indulged yourself into your writings. remembering the past memory of you and your sister which you killed back then makes you wonder a lot if you have done something you aren't supposed to before. the way that you wrote down the experience of killing your own family member made you wonder if you were supposed to become like ji-woon if you had gotten further with it. you sighed quietly as you heard the sound of a bowl being set down in front of you; looking up from the notebook you were writing vigorously on, you saw yun-jin, who laid down a bowl of noodles for you. "hey," she chuckled, "meg assumed you were hungry, and you didn't come out of your tent." she giggled as she sat down beside you, you quickly reacting by closing the notebook. however, this drew attention to yun-jin. "what's in that notebook?" she asked as you shook your head. "nothing, don't worry. nothing to worry about." you cracked a smile as yun-jin raised an eyebrow smiling in a confused way as you stared at the bowl of noodles. "they have noodles here?"

"yeah, apparently. it's cool. there's also a few things in the distance that we found. some vending machines and all that. found that one too." yun-jin replied, which made you curious of it all. you smiled. "well, at least there are a few things from our world that seems to have been stuck here, am i right?" you joked as yun-jin chuckled. "yeah, sure is." she smiled before eating her own share of noodles as you kept writing, trying not to make your producer friend see what you're writing. "will the rest of the girls come in here?" you asked, trying to change the topic before she could ask anymore of what's in your journal. "probably. zarina and yui's been talking together about how you and ji-woon previously, by the way. sounds like they're quite betrayed by you." yun-jin chuckled as you slightly let out a chuckle too; despite expecting this, it kind of hurt. somehow, yun-jin sensed this and looked at you. "i'm sorry! i didn't mean to say it to you! i really did not! oh god.. that must have hurt your feelings.." yun-jin said as you shook your head, laughing. "it's fine. it did, a little, but a little bit doesn't make any difference on my mood right now." you reassured her as she slightly kept her apologetic expression on before continuing to eat the noodles. you placed down the journal as you stared at the bowl of noodles in front of you. watching the steam come out of the food in front of you. this reminded you of home. you remembered always walking to the convenience store just to pick up some noodles for yourself, walking home happily as you ate one pack of it impatiently as you kept walking home. 

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