chapter twenty-six ; it awaits

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trickster's pov:
the skies did not look as pleasant in my usual trials; sure, they were always gray and gloomy like that but now it just seemed like it was hurling up a storm. a storm that none of us might not even know about.

meanwhile, I was struggling with myself and this stupid trial. it seems like I was not focusing that well today. as I get stunned by yet another palette by the gamer girl, she giggles in victory as she runs away, her voice fading into nothing. I cursed under my breath as my mind got shunned yet again - stupid me seems to be doing very poorly this morning. but as I composed of myself not a few seconds later, I felt my feet being pinned down to the ground, the feeling of weights being laid upon my feet. it was strange, because as I looked down, nothing seemed to be pinning me down. I attempted to move my feet, but nothing worked.

and as I thought this shit could get any worse, I suddenly noticed how I just... stood there. dissociated. my vision then suddenly drifted into a foggy black view - what is happening?

I tried to see if I could speak or even let out a single noise from my throat, but nothing was even let out. and then, familiar screams began to fill my mind. it echoed everywhere, like my mind was a whole canyon. it wasn't too loud, but it also wasn't so quiet. if I were to be clear, it remained like that for a good 2 minutes.

then it hit me.

it was y/n's voice all along! no wonder it was very marvelous to hear and my ears didn't bleed from those shrieks. but the question is - what is she doing screaming in my mind, especially during a trial? is this some sort of telepathic conversation? is this an anomaly happening? I couldn't really wrap my finger around it, considering my head was already too occupied to even try and think of a solution. but just as I was going to think further, I suddenly felt myself finally close my eyes and drift away and only to find myself--


a familiar voice boomed in my ears, snapping me from my little trance as i looked to where it belonged to: I should have known, it was ghost face again. he looked at me, as if he was confused. "what's happening to you?" he asked as I scratched my nape.

"what do you mean?" I replied. "you were spacing out in here for a long time dude! I was waiting for you to come back from your trial, and the moment you did you were just dissociating right here." he stated.

then I remembered what took place back in the trials - y/n's screaming, my paralysis moment, everything. I slowly looked at ghost face, who had adiris and rin behind him.

"do you guys know what was going on?" ghost face asked them as soon as he felt their presence behind him, in which rin shook her head along with the priestess. sitting down, ghost face tapped my knee, signalling me to explain what had taken place. I sighed; this really was a long ass ride.

"it was like y/n was screaming in my mind you guys," I explained, giggling slightly in the midst of my statement, "but that wasn't really the bad part. the bad part was that it was like I was locked in place, and I could not even let out a word from my mouth at all. like I was dissociating or something."

ghost face hummed. "well, at least you did not no-clip out of reality like that one guy from my town. before I turned out like this I heard from my friend that he just bumped into a plant and went 'adios'. nobody has seen him since." he shrugged. I scratched the top of my head; this is getting more confusing than it should be. thank you ghost face.

"or maybe the entity is telling you something?" rin twitched in her place, "I mean, nobody really gets that around here. the only time it talks to us is when it takes us to its void." she said, in which I shrugged. adiris looked like she was going to say something but got cut off with the sudden strong blow of the wind. it was strong that the tent was shaking and almost burst itself open. pretty sure all 4 of us could hear the loud tree rustling coming from outside - its branches swaying swiftly in the wind. I noticed adiris' eye went wide as she stood up, walking away with her incense lantern. I was confused; where was she going at a time like this? I didn't bother going up to her, she might as well have thought this was a perfect time to do a ritual, and did not want to be disturbed.

𝙠𝙞𝙡𝙡𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙢𝙚 𝙨𝙤𝙛𝙩𝙡𝙮 | the trickster × female readerWhere stories live. Discover now