chapter thirty-four ; set it off

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third person pov:
after the day where the two have finally been able to tell to the others amongst their squad that they are finally official, everything was happy and peaceful. however, something began to seem a bit off one day. something seemed to have been misplaced, something seems to be inside an environment where it isn't supposed to be.

"y/n you're fucking pale," rin pointed her finger directly at the journalist, "ya okay over there girl?" she asked. meanwhile, the journalist was slightly concerned about her sudden pale skin. there were a lot of things that could lead to the conclusion of this; something must have mortified y/n and scarred her for life, or she's fallen ill. we don't know..yet.

"yeah! I'm fine! what do you mean?" the girl turned around to the spirit, the literal spirit of rin feeling like it was gonna ascend to heaven as soon as she saw the look on y/n's face. even her face was pale, but not as pale as hers. she does seem like she is not wary of the situation though. rin slowly levitated towards the girl, resulting to the journalist to raise her eyebrows.

"is there something on my face?" she asked.

"yeah, you're fucking pale."

y/n's eyes furrowed. "you sure? do you have a mirror or something?" she asked again. "nope but I have my eyes. now let's go." said the girl as she grabbed ahold of the other's hand, slightly dragging her out of the tent.

"where are we going?"

"to ghost face. he's gotta see this."

the journalist did not bother to interfere with the spirit, giving in as she followed the girl. entering the serial killer's tent, there it seems like she has finally gotten a reason as to why she got so pale.

"hey y/n! yun-jin is here!"

goosebumps formed into the girl's skin, locking eyes with the former manager as the glares of yun-jin came out from her eyes. y/n, of course, did feel intimidated by it. but she knew one thing: she's just one step ahead of her. meanwhile, it seems like the spirit knew better too. "ghost face! did you forget..?" the japanese murmured to the boy in front of them as the two girls kept their eyes on each other.

the silence was loud and deadly, anything can happen in this tent. ghost face's killer instincts hasn't kicked in - maybe that is why he has not noticed what he has been doing with this mere survivor in their midst.

"it's fine," yun-jin let out a small chuckle, "i am actually not surprised to see her here. she deserves it."

your pov:
how much you have badly wanted to cause harm onto the girl. how much you have always wanted to make her experience what it felt to be in immense and painful physical damage. you no longer wanted to be looked down upon by some survivors who will never be a step ahead of you.

your overthinking stopped you though.

ji-woon is going to kill me if he knew what I had done.
ji-woon and her were friends before, I don't want to hurt someone who means so much like that to him.
I want to hurt her, but I don't want to hurt him.

oh, what could you possibly do?

"to be fair, there is a new girl in our camp," the producer came closer to the girl, "and she is a lot better than this nuisance will ever be." she spoke lowly to you. your heart began to squeeze, not in a painful way, but possibly because of how she was getting so worked up with the words that this producer is spewing up to her.

she did not want this to go to this certain way. she wanted her to know exactly who was boss. but then the thought of ji-woon freaking out with how much damage she could possibly be doing to yun-jin was also hurting her. she took a deep breath before exhaling deeply. "what do you want me to feel about this anyways, yun-jin?"

she let out a small laugh - a laugh that spoke that she totally did not come here to just speak false accusations towards you. "i want you to feel inside of you how much you have deceived all of us. how you just decided to play the imposter all along!" 


"you do not tell me what you are going to do to defend yourself, l/n y/n. just keep this in mind. she's going to be much better than you will ever be."

you felt your heart shatter, but you yelled at yourself mentally to just stop being so sensitive over a few words that a mere survivor, someone who is in a lower place than you are, have said to you. it may have been so hurtful and so insulting to your pride but then again you did not want yourself to bring your guard down and let yourself be seen as vulnerable. you are no longer what you once were, you are not the girl that would cry at almost everything. you are someone that is supposed to be stepping up to yourself without having to worry about anything and everything else. all you had to do was prove to this survivor that you were a lot better than who she compares you to.

but then, you just had to feel an interval come.

like before, these intervals were now beginning to form into something else - something more extreme than your normal intervals. you held your head as you watched the life drain from your skin. you broke out into a cold sweat, trying to make some sense of the surroundings around you, but like how panic attacks work - you began to lose control of yourself.

"y/n, y/n!" rin luckily managed to get ahold of your hand as soon as you lost composition of your legs. though you can't open your eyes because everything was so fucking dizzy, you were still able to work out the things that was happening around you. you could hear the chuckles of yun-jin, watching you as you broke down into your intervals. those sickening chuckles drove you even angrier than before.

you tried your best to catch your breath, not wasting a single second to force air into your lungs and pass it through your heart, but then you just couldn't do so. it was tiring. "and what is this? an act so you can get out of this situation? i don't think so." yun-jin laughed. you then got an idea.

"s-survivor." you croaked out.

"what? what did you say there, little y/n?"

third person pov:
"SURVIVOR!" yelled the journalist as the survivor's eyes widened. she could have thought of this happening sooner, but she did not. the eager yells of the other killers from the outside of the tent began to surround the tent. squinting her eyes, she could see the blurred yet noticeable fright in the girl's motion. she slightly smirked, still trying to get ahold of herself as ghost face finally realized what was going on. he stood up, looking at yun-jin, who panicked even more with his presence.

laughing nervously, the girl began to back up slowly until she reached the end of the tent, where the serial killer's stuff lay. she began to break out into panic, looking into the boy's mask. she may not be able to see anything that was going on through the facial expressions of ghost face that was not present whatsoever, but she knew damn right about one thing - she fucked up. 

"ghost face! you still know who i am, right? it's me, yun-jin!" she tried her best to not run out that very moment, in hopes to convince the other who she was. with all the memories of each other that they have made together before, she did not want to throw all those away just yet.

but it seems like it was finally the time that they did.

"you are nothing but a mere survivor." raising his tactical knife and positioning it near her throat - ready to slit the flesh anytime - she gulped nervously, and also began to tear up. she opened the tent, and immediately began to bolt. the other killers yelled as well, running after the girl. ghost face did as well, leaving rin with the girl who was finding it hard to breathe. her twitching arm let go of the girl's wrist, glancing at her. "everything alright now?" the spirit asked the journalist, who nodded slowly. 

but the words still remained like a wasp sting; she just hated being compared. she did not want to go through that again. especially since it sounds like something her parents would say to her. she failed to, but began to break into a series of sniffling. quick footsteps approached her, the hands wrapped around her shoulders made her know exactly who it was.

"y/n! y/n! what's gotten into you!?" ji-woon held y/n's shoulders, trying to get her to calm down. but instead of calming her down with his presence, she instead broke down into sobbing. his eyes softened, not really knowing what to do. he did not want to fuck it up even more, so he looked around for people to help. but rin is long gone: possibly going after the survivor that was here. he sighed. he looked at the crying girl who was drowning in her own puddle of distress. he felt strongly concerned for the girl.

slowly and surely, he pulled her into a small hug, surprised as the girl hugged her back so tightly, as if it was the last time that they would be able to hug each other. she kept crying onto his shoulder, wrapping her arms around him securely. his hands made their way slowly onto her back, rubbing it to comfort her or at least calm y/n down. she was trying to calm down, but all she could ever think of was what happened back a few minutes ago.

"you don't have to tell me now, just let it all out okay?" ji-woon smiled, "it's alright, it's all going to be okay." he embraced y/n once again, trying to get her to calm herself down. she kept sniffling, agreeing to the man's advice as she kept on releasing her emotions. he did not care about anything else around them anymore, all he knew was that she was just sad and that he did not like the sight of it.

after a while, the girl had finally composed of herself. smiling softly with the calm girl, his hands caressed her cheeks slowly. "now now, what happened? i heard you yell there was a survivor in this tent yet i found you crying. who or what did you see?" he questioned. her eyes softened, remembering the words of what yun-jin spoke to her earlier. it hurt less now that he was with her, but it still was marked inside her mind.

"she told me just how much of a nuisance i was just for being myself." she let out a small chuckle, trying to make herself feel better. it kind of did, but one person was not feeling any better about it, and of course, it was ji-woon himself. "she does not have the right to say that, she never will." y/n heard the trickster in front of her grumble, calming him down by placing a hand on his head. "i'll be alright ji-woon," she smiled reassuringly, "everything is going to be alright." 

"but she hurt you with those words," he exclaimed, "how can i pretend everything is okay if she is hurting you with those kinds of sentences?" he sighed loudly, freezing as he felt the girl climb onto his lap to hug him tightly. wrapping her arms around his torso once again, her touch was gentle, ever so lightly as she kept it wrapped around him.

he suddenly felt his adrenalin rush through his veins, feeling so euphoric with this feeling coming back running to him once again. the last time they were able to do this, they were into the motions so well. but as he was able to wrap his hands around the girl's waist too, he felt himself being engulfed by the familiar black and cold fog, eyes widening as he disappeared.

the girl was left there, sighing as she hugged her knees, keeping to herself. all she could ever do now was wait for ji-woon to return - and watch the pale color in her skin remain, even though she felt better than ever.

ji-woon's pov: 
at this point i was fed up with the entity messing up our perfect little moments, thinking it was going to be a good time to take me into a trial as soon as i felt her body on me. it was so fucking stupid and enraging. but then, again, i did not want to mess up or even get my ass beat by it again. no other choice. and plus, i haven't been able to go bloody murder on anybody for a while now.

as i looked around, i began to notice the map and surroundings around me became very clear; the chapel. i sighed, swinging my blade back and forth as i began to look around. the thought of y/n on my mind was so unbearable, but i still needed to focus so i would not have to deal with any entity kicking me in the ass for messing shit up. i heard a generator explode in the distance, smirking as i knew damn right that whichever survivor was there, they done fucked up.

i smiled widely as i began to run, the enticing thought of hearing their screams entered my mind once again and formed themselves together. my thoughts ran wild, not caring about the booming footsteps i am making along with my terror radius. 

i heard them stumble with fear, and upon laying my eyes on them as i clenched the blade around my fingers, my eyes widened, in a good way. it was the dearest yun-jin, the girl who has hurt my girl with her words, the girl who decided to think that it was a good idea to even sneak into the killers' campfire and cause chaos there. honestly, it's a good thing ghostie looks at her differently now.

"well well well," i giggled, "if it isn't my dearest manager. if you're a manager, can't  you even handle yourself?" i joked, laughing at my own cracked joke. i didn't give a fuck if she did not laugh, all i knew was that she was in trouble now that i am here. her eyes were in shock; maybe she noticed just how enraged i am with her. i became even more enraged as she remained silent. i needed answers. i need to know why.

"and what made you think it was such a good idea to talk badly about y/n, huh? what did?" i began to approach her, fidgeting my blade around as she backed away slowly. she expected herself to be up and running from me, but i pinned her leg immediately to the ground. yelping in pain, she held onto her pierced leg. i kept laughing even more, noticing her desperation and panic in her motions and her movements. it was such a lovely sight to see, indeed. but that wasn't all that i was going to finish her for. the silence was killing me, and i could not wait for answers anymore.

"fucking answer me!" i threw another blade which glazed her shoulder, listening to her groan in pain knowing damn right this must be the time that she finally uses that mouth of hers to good use. "s-she's a devil," she chuckled weakly, "she deceived all of us." i pushed the blade deeper into her flesh, not caring about her loud cries for me to stop. i did not want to. she deserves it.

"and what makes you think that? you were the one who did this," i took out the blade and stabbed it into her again, "you were the one who decided to get in her way. OUR way!" i exclaimed, enraged. meanwhile she was screaming and whining in pain, wanting and trying to get away from my grasp. but i was not going to let that happen. "a-and so? i-it looks like y-you ratted yourself out ji-woon," she stuttered in pain, "it looks l-like she took a-a big influence on you." she croaked.

"and i don't give a fuck. at least i would not have to be the one running away from the killer."

i kept on hurting her, not activating my memento mori yet; just not yet. i want her to be reminded of what pain really feels like, even if it will just disappear from her feelings or her physical presence anyways.

"y-you can still change, ji-woon," i stopped stabbing my blade into her, "a-abandon all your wicked ways. s-start anew again." 

the memories of what i once spent with her in the studio back in the actual human world, the memories of every single one of my bandmates being alive and well with me as we wandered the nights talking about our lives, every single one of them flashed before my eyes so quickly. how i missed my boys dearly, it was always such a pain to look back at those memories knowing i can no longer bring them back.

"maybe y-you'll see.. all the wrongs you did to me."

i clenched my fist, not wanting her to keep on going any further, however my mind was clouded with memories of the past. my past. her past. everything that i once had was all left in korea, now nothing more than just broken fragments of finished times and moments. it was all taken away. she took them all away. and that's how i got here.

"no, who am i kidding," i burst into laughter, standing up, "you've always been a huge piece of shit! if i could kill you, i would! but it's frowned up throughout the entire corners, circles, realms of the entity. this damned place..." i kept her down by stepping onto her legs, hearing the satisfying feeling of her bones snapping. she screamed for mercy.

"p-please! i'm s-serious!" she sobbed. 

"well, having said that,

burn in hell." 

my memento mori finally activated, giving me the opportunity to give it my all as my blades cut through her flesh, watching the blood splatter against the broken generator beside her. she screamed her lungs out, my ears finally satisfied as i got out a photocard. i stared at it for a bit, smiling in awe as i saw my former self being all so amazing as always. seeing the girl thud onto the ground, i threw the paper, stabbing it before it could fly into the wrong direction. i felt the adrenaline rush through me. it was amazing. this feeling about fighting for something and someone was so amazing.

"감사합니다~ (thank you~)"

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