chapter fifteen ; found out

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third-person pov
after what seemed to be a while of talking with everybody, y/n began to feel as if there was something.. off outside the tent they were all gathered in. usually it would be filled with the sounds of glasses clanking against each other or even some of the killers sharpening their weapons and such, but it just seemed a lot more quiet now. the journalist looked around the tent which the priestess, the spirit and the masked killer were gathered along with ji-woon who was busy talking to the others. the girl looked at the man sitting beside her, who kind of forgot about the suspicious silence outside the tent they were in and began to admire his facial features instead.

his cheekbones were slightly smudged with dried bloodstains, his yellow contact lenses were shining thanks to the ceiling lamp on top of him, and his neck was rather bloody as well. the girl felt herself smile as she reached out for a handkerchief from her pocket as she poured some water onto it. "oh? what 'cha doing there?" danny asked as you looked at him, placing away the water bottle after securing the cap on it. "i figured i needed to do something! so... ji-woon..?" you then changed your gaze to the singer as he looked at you with a little cat-like smirk on his face. "yes darling?" he asked the girl as he stared into her eyes.

the journalist slightly hesitated as she began to wipe off the bloodstains that dried up on the boy's cheek as the singer's eyes widened in surprise. danny, meanwhile, began to giggle loudly as he cooed. "awww, how sweet~" danny teased as ji-woon threw a cup at him as he rolled his eyes, as if he was flustered. the girl giggled as she kept wiping the man's face. "that really is sweet, isn't it?" adiris asked the masked killer as he nodded. "sure is. and i thought that nobody would like a man like the trickster!" he said as ji-woon scoffed. "how about you, ghosty? nobody would like a man who is too childish for their own good." danny gasped flabbergasted as he crossed his arms. "now that's not a good comeback, considering your girlfriend over here has a best friend who likes me!" he said as ji-woon laughed, looking at the journalist as she placed down her hand, smiling at him. "there you go, you look cleaner now." she said as he kissed her neck quickly. "thanks little melody." he thanked the girl as she giggled shyly.

"love is in the air, and it is not smelling good," rin gagged, "just like someone right here." rin rolled her eyes as she took a sassy glare at the priestess, who immediately looked at her with pure disgust and offense in her eyes. "i didn't even speak, why are you angry at me all of the sudden?" adiris said as rin rolled her eyes again. "it's the truth anyways, you smell horrible." she said as adiris stood up. "do you really want to fight me right now?" adiris said as she lit her incense lantern, rin standing up twitching as she withdrew her sword, but something came to interrupt them both.

"y/n!" yun-jin ran to her friend as she giggled at her. on the other hand, ghosty was giggling as well. "h-hey there!" danny said, going over to the producer, who looked at him and smiled softly at him. "hello, danny.." she said as she hugged him quickly before breaking the hug. looking at her friend with a serious look, y/n immediately dropped her smile. "is there something wrong?" she asked the girl as yun-jin nodded. "yes. very very wrong." she said as she sat down. "what happened?" ghost face asked the girl as she deeply inhaled.

"I think you guys are a little too loud."

the journalist's eyes widened as she shot a shocked look into her friend's eyes. "w-what do you mean by that?" she stuttered out of fear as yun-jin gestured quietly. "you guys can be fucking heard from Anna's motherland by now!" yun-jin whisper-yelled (a/n: I don't know how you describe it correctly when one yells in their whispery voice, I'm so sorry-) as the others eyes widened as well. "s-so.. you're saying.." danny trailed his voice as yun-jin nodded. "yeah. they're more quiet outside now." yun-jin said as y/n gulped. "but how did you get here? it's quite weird as to how you got here." rin twitched as yun-jin rolled her eyes. "I got here before they could even notice. and plus, I had to act like I was meeting you in the forest," yun-jin said as she sighed, "I didn't want anymore of us to be exposed by this."

𝙠𝙞𝙡𝙡𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙢𝙚 𝙨𝙤𝙛𝙩𝙡𝙮 | the trickster × female readerWhere stories live. Discover now