Chapter 6

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“Can I give you a song?”

“You finally understand me.”

I took out a cigarette and lit it in the lobby of the studio building, but Lim Hyeonsu didn’t object.

Yeah, who dared to stop me.

Lim Hyeonsu looked desperate for a cigarette, so I offered her one.

“Would you like to have one?”

“… Aren’t you an idol?”

“… Ah?”

It didn’t occur to me that idols might not be allowed to smoke. Lim Hyeonsu stammered, looking nervous.

“What the hell….”

She glanced around. Then she pulled out one for herself and asked me for a light.

Click, click.

As I used the lighter to light her cigarette, Lim Hyeonsu shuddered as if experiencing goosebumps.

I looked at her slowly.

“Ms. Composer, that’s what I want. Please pick out a great song with a high-quality beat.”

“Flashy and simple? I assume you don’t want something cheap. Huh… You just want one?”

“Yes. I’m going to release it as a single. I’ll think about the full album later.”

“What’s the concept? Have you decided?”

Good point.

Lim Hyeonsu took a notebook and started writing as I explained what I was thinking.

Since I hadn’t talked to the planning team yet, I could only explain the concept abstractly. But when I mentioned the genre, Lim Hyeonsu seemed to understand perfectly.

“Okay. I get the general direction. Send a contract with the deposit and a time frame.”

“A contract?”


“Deposit first, before the contract.”

There’s no way Daepaseong Entertainment would have the money to pay Lim Hyeonsu. At least, there was no budget for a comeback song for The Dawn, that’s for sure.

No, but Lim Hyeonsu still hadn’t come to her senses. I noticed she was still complaining about the deposit.

I spoke with a rhythmic tone.

“You will donate your talent, Ms. Composer.”

It’s time to get a grip on this crazy world.

Lim Hyeonsu’s mouth dropped open.

“Donate my talent? Me? The Lim Hyeonsu…?”

I hummed the melody of the pirated song we heard earlier.

“Let’s have a drink, you and I – words I’ve longed to say without end.”

As I sang a few more lines, Lim Hyeonsu bit her lip.

“I’ll do it. I’ll donate my talent!”

“Wow, thank you.”

“Am I dreaming? Have I… become a sucker?”

“It’s not a dream.”

I kindly replied and glanced at my watch. It was time to discuss the rest of the arrangement.

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