Chapter 21

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“Haha, Hoyun always brims with energy, doesn’t he?”

Thank you, Seong Jiwon!

Seong Jiwon stepped up even before I could speak. Thanks to him, my foolish actions were seen as an enthusiastic human-like expression.

Without stopping there, the genuinely kind Seong Jiwon added sincere comments.

“Our team became more lively after Hoyun joined. He suddenly brought a song he received from composer Blue Tiger.”

“Ah, so you’re saying Seo Hoyun brought this single for the group?”

“Yes, we were all surprised. We had no connection with the composer before.”

“Well, now I’m curious… How does Seo Hoyun know Blue Tiger?”

Attention was drawn to me. I decided to be as cautious as possible with my words to prevent any unnecessary issues.

“I was just lucky.”

I decided to keep it brief.

Before I could finish, the reporters’ typing and camera flashes went off, but I didn’t crack a smile anymore.

If they’re curious, let them keep watching.

Kang Ichae quickly noticed the awkward atmosphere and added more to the conversation.

“He was really cool. He said, ‘Trust me and follow me.’ I could only admire him.”

“Seo Hoyun really has an extensive network. You’re friends with Joo Woosung, right?”

“Yes, he’s a senior I know from before.”

“Senior Joo Woosung came and shared his secret with us this time.”

“Please share the secret of your networking skills with me later.”

The MC playfully winked and flipped the cue card.

Discussing the stage concept, the music video interpretation, and the album’s BTS eventually led to this question:

“You also became famous for catching a thief a few weeks ago, right? Can we hear that story?”

As soon as the question was asked, camera flashes went off again, likely hoping for something that would draw views.

Kim Seonghyeon cautiously picked up the microphone.

“We were taking a break from practice and heading to a convenience store at that time.”

“Hoyun immediately noticed.”

“And then Seonghyeon rushed out like crazy. I thought Seonghyeon was an action star.”

Jeong Dajun and Kang Ichae spiced up Kim Seonghyeon’s calm story. The reporters feverishly typed on their laptops.

The headline would probably be something like this.

[The group that won’t stand for injustice: The Dawn… The story behind the robbery incident]

MC: Weren’t you scared?

Kim Seonghyeon: Well, I was scared, but when I came to my senses, I had already caught him.

MC (laughs): That’s amazing.

I could already anticipate the interviews without even reading them. As Kim Seonghyeon continued the story, a sudden spark flew.

“I heard you almost got seriously hurt….”

“Yes. I could have been severely injured if Seo Hoyun hadn’t caught him.”

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