Chapter 104

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“What’s up?”

“…What did you just call me?”

Had this kid lost his mind?

We were in a bustling shooting set filled with staff, and Min Jiheon just called me… hyung.[1] I was struggling not to raise the corners of my mouth, but my face threatened to twitch.

Then, Min Jiheon shamelessly tilted his head.

“Um… can I call you something else? Jeonghun-hyung or maybe Hoyun-hyung? Which do you prefer?”


“Haha, your expression is funny….”

Such a cheeky brat….

He clearly saw that I was just with the camera director.

“But, by any chance, was what I saw just now a trick…?”

“…What are you talking about, sunbae.”

For now, I laughed and brushed him off casually. Then I walked away from the staff, and Min Jiheon trailed along beside me.

“Is it alright for you to startle me like this, sunbae? I get that you’re immersed in the acting, but we’re outside the camera’s view right now. If this kid, you, Min Jiheon, keeps acting out, I’ll lose it, won’t I?”

“Wow… your gradation of anger is really cool.”

“Why did you come? I told you not to pretend like you know me.”

Min Jiheon smiled brightly.

“Hey, don’t be grumpy. I was just curious about what you’re up to, that’s all.”

There was definitely something going on. I studied him closely, then decided to throw a fastball.

“Do you know Lee Kangseok well…?”


Min Jiheon tilted his head to the opposite side from before.

“Do I? He even gave me a carrot cake, you know?”

“…That must have been delicious.”

“Ahaha, I wouldn’t know since someone ate it first.”

Looking at him making such trivial jokes, it seemed he didn’t know about the rumors. Well, Lee Kangseok might have controlled his image in front of Min Jiheon so he wouldn’t notice.

I shrugged my shoulders and organized my thoughts.

I was asked to act better than Lee Kangseok… but that’s not objective.

There was a more objective method.

Just prevent him from acting.

Moreover, by bullying his manager, Lee Kangseok perfectly set the stage for me. I’ll send Lee Kangseok to hell, and while their ratings might be low, it will still increase ours. I would be a fool if I couldn’t take advantage of this.

As I thought about how to carry out my plan, I looked up and saw Min Jiheon staring at me with a strange smile.



Min Jiheon awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck. I always got anxious when he did this.

“Out of curiosity… you said you originally belonged to another world. Will you go back once this is over?”

“Of course.”

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