Chapter 148

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While The Dawn was diligently filming and posting their self-produced content, PD Kim Heeyeon, whose stock had risen sharply as a shining star, was experiencing even busier days lately.

“PD! When will the cast list be ready?”

“Kim Heeyeon, has the location been secured?”

“Kim Heeyeon!”

“Kim Heeyeon!!”

“Kim Heeyeon!!!”

At first, she thought she would have some leisure time after the program ended, but soon work poured in from everywhere like crazy.

Got it! Fuck, stop calling me!

Having entered that mode, Kim Heeyeon, who had run around until her feet felt like they were on fire, could finally catch her breath in an empty meeting room.

After downing an Americano with three extra shots in one gulp and heaving a deep sigh, she leaned back in her chair.

“I’m so busy, it’s killing me, really…”

Her vacation had been returned long ago.

Kim Heeyeon looked at the proposal in front of her.

Shining Star Season 2.

It was a program to use the winner of Season 1 as a contestant for Season 2.

Despite wrapping up with high viewership somehow, the Today incident blew up so big that Season 2 seemed to be fading into obscurity.

However, once all the cast members from Season 1 became successful and public opinion settled, the production of Season 2 was confirmed.

“I’m such a trash.”

The thought of pushing these much younger kids into the fiery pit of fierce competition left her with a bitter taste.

This was work, and the idols did gain something for their efforts, she consoled herself, but that only made her feel more despicable.

This time, without any mishaps.

Everything was perfect at the planning stage.

Given the big issue before, even major agencies similar to D.go had been keeping it low, wary of public opinion.

Kim Heeyeon’s eyes halted on a name as she scanned through the casting list.

It was The Dawn.

It was clear they were currently one of the hottest groups.

From early last year, starting from a single album to Shining Star, self-produced content, to variety shows.

Their schedule was so tight it made one wonder if it was humanly possible, but they made it in the end.

Then, with a knock, the meeting room door opened, and an AD came in.

“Are you here? Have you seen this?? Wow, The Dawn’s self-content has an insane number of views!”


“Yes, take a look at the responses.”

Taking the laptop the assistant director handed her, Kim Heeyeon quickly scanned through several posts.

They were mostly about The Dawn’s self-produced content.

[Title: The Dawn’s self-con is fucking hilarious…

They say they’re going all-in with military-themed self-con for their Apocalypse project but I honestly thought it’d be cringy af but

(Seonghyeon/ Ichae sexy dance clip)

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