Chapter 10

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As I exited the CEO’s office, the manager hurriedly chased me.

“Hoyun, you really…”


“Uh, yeah?”

“Please don’t tell the other members about what I said there.”

The manager’s eyes shook. Seeing him looking uneasy, I drove the point home once again.

“Saying something like that will only shake the other members’ mental state. What’s important right now is our comeback.”

“… Yeah.”

He still looked at me with worried eyes but eventually nodded cautiously. Satisfied with his response, I went into the practice room.

The members continuously practiced while playing the song they received from Lim Hyeonsu.

Wait, practicing?

How could they practice when there’s no choreography?

When I returned, Jeong Dajun jumped up and greeted me.



What’s with this sudden atmosphere?

Jeong Dajun ran up to me like a puppy. Seong Jiwon also stopped singing and smiled widely at me.

“Hoyun, we’ve planned everything.”


“And we’ve even made the choreography!”

What kind of nonsense was this?

When I made a face, Seong Jiwon watched me closely.

“Didn’t the CEO say he wouldn’t provide any additional funding? And that he wouldn’t support the choreography either.”

“How did you know?”

“Oh, just as expected.”

Oh, just as expected…?

What kind of treatment were these guys receiving?

As I felt uneasy, Jeong Dajun squealed excitedly.

“I only thought of it after Hoyun-hyung left. The CEO wouldn’t give us any money, and how are we supposed to get support for the choreography? So, we just did it ourselves to save time.”

“In just thirty minutes?”

“Seonghyeon-hyung suddenly went wild.”

I didn’t expect that.

Jeong Dajun vigorously nodded his head and pointed at Kim Seonghyeon.

“You have to see it now.”

“Hey, you weren’t kidding either.”

Kang Ichae said while gasping for breath and covered in sweat. Jeong Dajun awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck.

While nodding my head, I observed the atmosphere inside the practice room. It’s good that they predicted it and saved time by doing it themselves, but…

It felt a bit forced, didn’t it?

Jeong Dajun clung to me.

“The more you listen to it, the more you realize it’s a great song. It’s so exciting that we’ve already created the basic choreography.”

“It’s all thanks to Hoyun.”

Seong Jiwon praised me while nodding his head. I rolled my eyes.

Why did they suddenly become so friendly?

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