Chapter 11

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“Hey guys, it’s great that the atmosphere is warm, but we have to join the planning team meeting now.”

Kang Ichae nodded at the manager’s words.

“Right, we were shocked by Hoyun-hyung’s dancing, and we totally forgot about it.”

“Do you want to die?”

When I asked, Kang Ichae chuckled and followed the manager. I was sincere, but Kang Ichae seemed to be joking.

Seong Jiwon also followed behind, giggling.


[Quest Arrival!: “Let’s persuade the planning team!”

Seo Hoyun, you’re doing well. I’m worried about the dance, but…. Try to persuade the planning team.

Persuade the planning team 0/1

Success: Dance +10

Failure: Dance -100]

Was the system good or not? It’s starting to confuse me.

But these guys… Did they make a good plan?

I was bothered that I couldn’t discuss the planning because I was too focused on the choreography.

That anxiety soon became a reality when we sat down with the planning team.

“We want a monster concept.”

“Oh, no. It’s a high school club concept.”

“What? Wasn’t our concept an intelligence agent?”

Everyone expressed their opinions while chattering. These kids were too focused on the choreography to discuss the planning properly. The planning team leader smiled awkwardly as he watched the members get perplexed by what they had said to each other.

“Um… I guess you didn’t discuss it well?”

The planning team leader was laughing, but it was a sign that he was upset about something. I watched him silently with my mouth shut.

“We thought you were going to overhaul the planning, so we thought you had a clear vision.”

“We want to adjust things with the planning team slowly.”

I quickly interrupted. The planning team leader widened his eyes and looked at me.

“Um, right. Seo Hoyun, is it? You’re popular today, right?”

Why are you being a pain today?

“Yes, thank you.”

– Okay.

The planning team leader raised his eyebrows as he accepted it willingly. It was a look that said, “Do you see this?”

I was wrong. I thought the plan for “Pineapple” was nothing special, but it seemed to be more work than I thought.

Fighting was my specialty.

Seong Jiwon also knew that and quietly cheered me on while clenching his fists.

“Thank you for the plan last time. It’s definitely a trendy and popular concept to make a song based on fruits. I felt that you put a lot of thought into it and made it.”

You guys are so outdated. Did you even think about it before making it?

“Haha, thank you. As you know, The Dawn is very popular these days, so we made it to meet fans’ expectations.”

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