Chapter 156

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“Good work, everyone~.”

“Yep! Good work.”

After the performance, The Dawn returned to the dressing room and guzzled some water.

I finished off a bottle of water as well, plunked it on the table, and then flopped down on the sofa.

The costume manager, who had approached unnoticed, was holding the velvet ribbon I had brought and tying it back into a bow when Kang Ichae poked me teasingly.

“Such an easy guy~. Untie the ribbon once more, please~.”

“Is once enough?”

As I teased back with a sly tone, Kang Ichae let out a snicker.

Seong Jiwon and Kim Seonghyeon, who had been scolded for trying to remove their cumbersome flower crowns and headbands, had to fix their outfits again, while Jeong Dajun roamed around nonchalantly.

“Hyung, hyung! When do we get to show off our abs??”

“…Jeong Dajun, stop hanging out with Kang Ichae.”

The maknae was becoming more and more like Kang Ichae.

Kim Seonghyeon looked at Jeong Dajun, who was sticking close and teasing him, with a look of disgust.

“Whoa?! The High Five-sunbae are starting!”

Aware of the camera following us for our reactions, the members quickly gathered around.

This team was also known for their hit songs.

“We go High We go High!”

“Is this a track by the Black Call-sunbaes?”

How did they end up choosing that one?

This song, a B-side track by Black Call, was popular despite never being promoted, and a dance video was uploaded on YouTube as fan service.

Clearly, Try had chosen it, but High Five had snatched it away.

Perhaps the meme of a raccoon washing cotton candy will make it into the edit?

I overheard the staff casually mentioning that Joo Woosung had also given advice to High Five, but it was so cursory and lacking in content that it would probably be entirely cut out.

“Are you ready now?

It’s time for me to leap.”

Despite that, High Five soared remarkably.

“Is it a pilot concept?”

“Seems like it.”

With an airline pilot concept, their uniforms were perfect for fandom hype, and as expected from a group from a major agency, the balance of skills among the members was exceptional.

With a solid fandom and ample financial backing, being from the same agency as Black Call, there would be many others besides Joo Woosung to offer them advice.

These guys could have pulled off a fiery performance with any song they chose.

I’m jealous.

Especially the leader, Kang Yeonhu, caught my eye.

Putting aside my initial impression of him as somewhat shady, his vocals were surprisingly good.

Seong Jiwon intently watched the monitoring screen.

“If you’re scared, don’t ride, just watch my move.”

…They’re doing well.

It seemed it wasn’t a lie to call them the next generation representative idols.

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