Chapter 60

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After the release of the music video, everyone on the timeline suddenly began screaming. The latecomers, confused by the uproar, scrolled up to find a link.

[Guys, this seems to be a sequel to the Apocalypse series (link)]

Clicking the link led to a post.

[Title: “Ocean Train-Second Chance” series confirmed, opinions divided but this is clearly a sequel!

Just watch the MV, this time the concept for “Ocean Train” is about the members boarding a train heading towards the sea

(clip of Seo Hoyun walking inside the train)

(clip of each member looking around)

But when they walk through the train, sometimes the background seems distorted, right? The train itself is the same, but… It was strange, so I looked closer.

(zoomed-in background of the train)

When you zoom in, the paintings hanging in the train are different. Each painting looks like a famous artwork, but in reality, they represent the cards Seo Hoyun flipped in “Second Chance”. Particularly noticeable is Seo Hoyun, whose card was a spade but is revealed in more detail this time.

(comparison of tarot and playing cards)

I think it’s the “King of Swords,” which in tarot represents a logical but self-serving tyrant. This is the same as Seo Hoyun, who controlled all the boards in “Second Chance”.

Meanwhile, the painting for Seong Jiwon shows a king holding a sword with a heart. The concept of regression remains the same.

Well, we’ve come this far, right? Everyone thinks there’s no connection, and it seems like they just threw in the concept of “Ocean Train” randomly (I thought so too)

But I realized that Daepaseong is seriously insane, from a long time ago… the sea is…

A symbol of the unconscious…

(unconscious_drama1.jpg, unconscious_drama2.jpg, unconscious_movie.png)

(“Ocean Train” music video clip of the train going underwater)

This represents not the reality of each member but their unconscious… That’s why everyone’s backgrounds are different…

“Second Chance’s” background was reality, while “Ocean Train” represents their unconscious…

… So, what are they thinking in their unconscious minds? I was curious, so I carefully examined the background. I noticed English words engraved in the background in a flash:

Seo Hoyun: In the end, I’ll have my way;

Kang Ichae: If you can’t avoid it, enjoy it;

Kim Seonghyeon: I want to protect everyone;

Seong Jiwon: It doesn’t matter how many times;

Jeong Dajun: ??? (not shown)

(I can’t figure out Jeong Dajun no matter how many times I watch… It seems intentional, but what is it?)

But now, everyone’s ideals are very different, right? So when they all come together, the train shakes a lot.

(clip of members facing each other and the train sinking)

When all the members meet in the end, a fierce wave comes in, meaning their ideals are clashing.

Sigh… That’s why even when the train is sinking, they don’t care and just keep walking as if nothing’s wrong, because they have their own beliefs… They don’t doubt a single bit…

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