Chapter 138

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[Wow!!! The Dawn’s debut in Japan!!!]


It was better than expected.

Lee Jihyeon jumped up, surprised, and grabbed the monitor.

[Super congrats, guys ㅠㅠ!! May you only walk on a path of flowers ㅎㅎ]

[Wow, as expectedㅋㅋ Make that yen #LetsGo]

…No, seriously, the reaction was good.

It was a public account, and though the occasional harsh swear words were sprinkled in, seeing such a positive atmosphere was rare, so Lee Jihyeon rubbed her eyes a few times.

She even checked her private account that she had prepared beforehand.

[Ahㅋㅋ The kids are starting with Japan, as expected]

Thankfully, the atmosphere here wasn’t negative either.

[ㅋㅋIt kind of felt like they were gearing up to go international… (damn) They’ve been solidifying their position domestically for a year now…

└It’s not like they’re going abroad because they failed in Korea… They’ve worked hard on their recognition so it’s inevitable they go overseas to attract capital]

[It does seem a bit early… but thankfully the period is shortㅠㅠ There are no big rookies debuting in January…

A few weeks won’t cause a decrease in fandom

└ㅋㅋㅋAnd these cute kids are so active on V-Live, feels like they’re gonna post something again


Naturally, there were some negative opinions about going overseas.

Overly seasoned K-pop fans ground their teeth at the mere mention of “overseas,” so in a way, it was a natural reaction.

Wasn’t it a win not to have been massively criticized on real-time trends?

As Seo Hoyun had said, they had really done a good job sweeping and cleaning up over the past year.

[After all, in the past year, they worked really hard on variety shows, self-content, titles..

└Thank you! We are The Dawn! (entry clip)

The rising dawn! We are The Dawn! (exit clip)

└└ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋThis is real]

[The Dawn and Noeul always do this:

The Dawn: No comeback no way no way no way…

Noeul: Dawnies always lie…!

The Dawn: (Quiet)

Noeul: … Huh? Really none?

The Dawn: Comeback~!!

Noeul: … Keuk! Dawnies always…!


Even during the end-of-year stages, comments like “We’re really going to strip you bare, you damned rookies!” kept popping up.

But Jihyeon hadn’t expected such a positive reaction to their overseas activities and was taken aback.

“…Wow, amazing.”

[But? If they do too many overseas tours and miss out on the influx, they’ll completely uproot the radish]

[The moment you focus on overseas money and neglect domestic fans, I’ll scream in front of the lobby

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