Chapter 95

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As if it really had emotions, the system window seemed flustered. It made a crackling noise like it was filled with static.

As time passed, I became more convinced that this wasn’t just a simple system but “something.”


I deliberately endured the silence and waited, and in the end, the system window gave up first. A new window popped up.

[What did you hear from Min Jiheon?]

I thought it would just slip away again, but it didn’t. Surprisingly, the system window responded with a question of its own.

I looked at it and raised my eyebrows.

“Why? What’s bothering you?”

[If you didn’t, there’s no way you can bother this cute system window >_<]

Out of habit, I rummaged through my pocket and took out a piece of candy.

“Didn’t you hear earlier? Min Jiheon said he’s going to shut you down completely.”

As I said that and peeled the wrapper off the candy to chew on it, the system window couldn’t reply and just crackled. It really seemed a bit flustered, so I touched the corners of my mouth and laughed.


Of course, Min Jiheon shutting it down was a lie.

If the system window was always shut down and couldn’t listen if Min Jiheon was around, it would have done something about it.

But the fact that the system window didn’t reply right away seemed like it was hesitant about something.

Also, I had never heard the system window ask anything about Min Jiheon and me when it was gone. It was actually the opposite, for it was always hesitant to say anything, thinking I might notice something.

It appeared to me that it just couldn’t figure out how to answer my question.

I think I can prove it.

“Why are you so stupid… Huh?”

Back then, there was no doubt that it began to have some kind of reaction with Min Jiheon. Even after meeting Min Jiheon, the system window continued to be calm, with no noticeable reaction.

So, I had two hypotheses.

Whenever I confronted Min Jiheon, either the system was disconnected by a strange power or shied away from Min Jiheon and hid on its own.

However, if the former were true, it meant I had to suffer the same agony I felt that day every time Min Jiheon was around. But what about now? I was sitting perfectly fine in the van and arguing with the system window… so it was not that.

Then there was only one conclusion.

The system window was very uncomfortable with Min Jiheon, blocking itself when he was around.

“What’s really bothering you? Now I’m getting so curious.”


Now that I’ve proven my hypothesis, it was time to throw a bait. I put another piece of candy in my mouth.

“You’re attached to me. That’s undoubtedly true… But how? What on earth for?”

The blue window only shook with no answer. I decided to ask this question more precisely.

“Why did I come to this world?”

It was a question I hadn’t been able to ask because I was so busy dealing with one situation after another. Whether it was the main scenario or whatever, I’ve been completing quests as they came, but I didn’t know why I was here in the first place. I was moving forward with the hope that I could return to my original world…

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