Chapter 18

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“Hahaha! It’s fun, it’s fun.”

Director Jeong didn’t answer; he just walked away laughing. It was a bit unfair, but I let it go.

The individual teasers and jacket shooting were finished in the morning, and the MV shooting went smoothly afterward.

I wasn’t lying when I said we practiced the choreography at least twenty times. It was especially difficult because we did ten of those takes with water on the floor.

I wondered if there was a special meaning behind filling the floor with water. When I asked why, Director Jeong happily explained while raising his thumb.

“Low-budget filming makes it hard to add CG, so we put water to make it look prettier as you struggle for real!”


I kept my mouth shut about the lack of money and continued to shoot with the members and the director.

[Dance +1]

[Dance +2]

[Dance +2]

[Dance +1]

Why does the system work properly for once?

[“Real performance is the best!”

We give double experience points for the dance performed in a real performance because of the increased tension!]

It was nice of them to explain it kindly.

Since the time I failed a quest, I became more distrustful of the system window.

“I’ll take a rest and come back!”


Jeong Dajun quickly left the set and squeezed himself into a corner, resting while wrapping his red, swollen ankles with a hot pack after continuously dancing in the cold water.

… This will make him look pitiful, right?

“Kang Ichae.”


I gestured to Kang Ichae and pushed the camera toward Jeong Dajun.

“Dajun, are you cold?”

“Uh, no, I’m fine!”

Jeong Dajun pretended not to be cold and jumped up in surprise. Seong Jiwon handed over the blanket he had been covering himself with.

“Use this. There’s still some time before the next shoot.”

“It’s okay!”

Watching Jeong Dajun forcing a brave smile made me feel uncomfortable.

He barely ate or slept for almost a week, and now he was working extremely hard here.

We didn’t even push the contestants this hard in my competition program. Since Jeong Dajun was the youngest, he sometimes reminded me of Seo Hojin…

No, what was I saying?

Why would I be fond of Jeong Dajun?

While Kang Ichae interviewed Seong Jiwon with the camera, Jeong Dajun asked me a question.

“Are you really okay, Hoyun-hyung?”


“You were in the emergency room just a few hours ago. You’re not going to pass out again, are you?”

Ah, what was I going to say? I was fine now that the debuff was gone.

I unconsciously pat Jeong Dajun’s head.

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