Chapter 82

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“Hoyun, don’t be nervous! Don’t shake! Just be yourself, and they’ll like you! Oh, do you need some calming pills?”

As we headed towards the audition waiting room, I glanced at my manager, who kept expressing his worries. It seemed like he needed the calming pills more than I did.

When we entered the waiting room, I could feel the aspiring actors scanning me from head to toe. Sticky, mocking gazes followed. It was as if they were saying, “Oh my, an idol has arrived, huh?”

What will the drama be about today?

Feeling slightly excited, I turned to my manager.

“Manager, my throat is a bit dry. Could you please buy me some water?”

“Of course!!”

He quickly seated me in a corner and rushed out to buy water. The drink was just an excuse; I really just wanted to get rid of him.

Since entering the waiting room, I had been receiving prickling stares. Clearly, these people recognized my face. Some who didn’t know me took a quick glance and moved on, but those who realized I was an idol returned unpleasant glares.

Moreover, this audition was for the famous Writer Kim Sukhui’s work. As aspiring actors or rising stars, they wouldn’t want me to snatch their opportunity away.

For now, I decided to quietly open the script.

In the first and second episodes, my character, Lee Jeonghun, didn’t appear much. The most he did was clash with the protagonist a few times.


It didn’t really matter since I had already read the scenes.

As I casually flipped through the script…


At the moment when I was lost in the script, I heard a voice seemingly directed at me.

“You’re Seo Hoyun, right?”

Wow, straight to the point.

I finally looked up and saw a man with a neat impression. He was smiling brightly, but his eyes revealed his irritation and contempt.

He looked familiar.

“My name is Lee Kangseok, an actor.”

“Ah, I’m Seo Hoyun.”

“I heard you’re doing well these days… So, you’re trying your hand at acting now?”

It seemed like nothing at first glance, but his words had a subtle sting to them, especially in this waiting room full of cutting gazes.


[Why is the entertainment industry always like this?? Is it hard to go even a day without causing a fuss??]

Well, I was having fun.

Today, the system was annoyed on my behalf. I raised an eyebrow at him in response.

Lee Kangseok… I remembered his face from before coming here. We hadn’t worked together, but I’d heard rumors about him.

A brownnoser.

It had been a while since I last encountered this kind of attitude in the industry, so I faintly smiled.

“Should I show you how to act? It seems like you need some practice before the audition…”

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