Chapter 22

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The Unknown Idol Tycoon was doing their best to prevent spoilers ^^


“Hoyun, we’ve arrived.”

“Ah, yes.”

I got out of the car and followed my manager into the company building, which was still old and worn whether we were having a showcase or topping the charts.

My manager kept talking to me.

“Don’t worry too much. You’re just meeting the CEO. I don’t think it’s going to be bad news.”

My manager continued to worry about me. This person, at a glance, seemed quite gentle.

“Your chart performance was sooooo good this time. Maybe he’s going to give you a big push?”

… However, he was a bit too optimistic.

I chuckled and followed my manager into the CEO’s office. The CEO was on the phone with someone, but when he made eye contact, he greeted me with a broad smile as if seeing rolling-in money.

Is this what it feels like to be hated by your own kind?

“Ah, Hoyun, you’re here.”

“Hello, CEO.”

“Hold on, I have to take this call. Ah, yes, yes. Sorry about that. Seo Hoyun just came in.”

He was smiling too broadly, even selling my name like that…

Feeling oddly uncomfortable, I subtly glanced around.

Could it be a casting offer?

My manager sat next to me, nervously shaking his leg.

“H-H-Hoyun, would you like some water?”

“… Manager, please calm down.”

Maybe my manager was more worried than me.

After a moment, the CEO finished their call, repeatedly saying “yes, yes,” and then looked at me warmly.

“Our Hoyun, was your trip here difficult?”

Our Hoyun?

“Thanks for your consideration, CEO. It was fine. My manager took great care of me.”

“Hahaha! You’re still good with words.”

I subtly praised my manager before the CEO to calm him down. The CEO, seemingly in a great mood, chuckled and sank into the sofa across from us.

“I heard you made it onto the charts.”

“Yes, I was lucky.”

“You guys really hit the jackpot this time. You caught a criminal, the song was great, and the planning was decent too… You even made it onto the charts. Among all of you, Hoyun, you were the best.”


Get to the point quickly.

They laughed mechanically.

“Don’t even think about the penalty now.”

“Yes, thankfully.”

Even though he was being praised openly, a suspicion came first. You know, life didn’t usually flow that smoothly.

The CEO and I hid our true feelings and continued the conversation with smiles.

“Mr. CEO, do you have any good news today?”

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