Chapter 139

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Seo Hoyun… what on earth is he up to?

If Kim Seonghyeon had realized one thing from observing Seo Hoyun over the past year, it was that Seo Hoyun’s refreshing smile appeared only in two specific cases.”

One, when he had successfully messed with someone he disliked. (Just like when he was targeting someone today.)

Two, when things were going according to his schemed plan. (Just like now, in an annoying way.)

Is it the latter this time?

Kim Seonghyeon, unaware that Seo Hoyun had already laid the groundwork for the former, made such a guess.

The latter seemed more plausible because the situation had unfolded exactly as he planned.

The response to their activities in Japan had been surprisingly positive, proving this point.

[Title: Seems like The Dawn are truly a bunch of unique weirdos; today’s V-Live summary saying they’re going to Japan was pretty peaceful.

Jiwon: The Dawn’s pronunciation in Japanese is “Ja Do-On,” you know ㅎㅎ.

Dajun: ?? Ja Do-on??

Jiwon: That’s how it’s pronounced in Japanese!!

Jeong Dajun is extremely confused by the Japanese pronunciation.

Seonghyeon: What does that mean? It sounds familiar.

Ichae: ㄱㄷㄱㄷ[1]

Kang Ichae, sucking on a candy, types something into his phone dictionary and shows 자돈 = Piglet.

Ichae: ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

Hoyun: ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋAhㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋSorryㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

They couldn’t say it out loud, but the two of them were giggling like crazy in the back (Hey, you know that’s the name of your group, right?)

Meanwhile, Jeong Dajun is shocked.

Dajun: (Shocked) Are we… piglets?

Seonghyeon: Hey, Jeong Dajun, watch your words.

Jiwon: (Still splitting the word)

A leader being aware of the V-Live…

Dajun: …. Huh? Did I do something wrong?

Seonghyeon: Well… that’s a bit… if you reverse it

Dajun: …? Huh? (Realization) Ah!!!! If you think about it the other way around!

Seonghyeon: (No way)

Dajun: (Snaps fingers & gets excited) Pig…![2]

Hyungs: (Clamor) Hey!!!!

– Hey

– Hey Jeong Dajun!!!

ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅋㅋㅋㅋ The hyungs drag Dajun away to calm him down

Dajun:  … ㅠㅠ;;;;; Sorry..;;

Hyungs: Jeong Dajun is reflecting… It wasn’t on purpose, so please be lenient…

In the midst of this, Seong Jiwon alone is in peace, casually reading comments

Jiwon: ㅎㅎApart from “Ja Don,” there’s also “Do Don”!

Jiwon: They deliberately made it sound similar to Korean!

Members: (Right now, fuck, that’s not what’s important)

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