Chapter 51

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“The Dawn! The Dawn!”


“Seo Hoyun-!!”

Thunderous cheers erupted from outside.

It seemed like a VCR was playing before The Dawn’s performance. Seong Jiwon’s voice could be heard from the interview.

[“The Dawn was actually on the verge of disbanding. Our record sales weren’t good. We all thought we had no choice, that we should be grateful for what we achieved.”]

Next was Jeong Dajun.

[“I just trusted my hyungs and followed them! Is this what you call self-sacrifice? Ah, self-made? Well, anyway. Ichae-hyung composed the song, Seonghyeon-hyung created the choreography, Jiwon-hyung took charge of the vocals, and Hoyun-hyung led us!”]

[Huh? Dajun said he just trusted us and followed? Haha, that kid. How did I feel? I just did it because it was fun. I enjoyed life with the members and the fans loved it.]

After Kang Ichae, Kim Seonghyeon’s interview played. After much consideration and silence, Kim Seonghyeon gave a subtle smile.

[“I feel like I owe a debt of gratitude to those who believed in me, one that I can never repay no matter what I do.”]

The editing was well-done.


“We’re moving!”

A staff member yelled at the top of their lungs.

We nodded and stood in front of the wall that blocked the stage. When the VCR ended, the wall would split open and reveal the stage.

“The Dawn!”

The cheering grew louder, drowning out the sound of the VCR. The members standing next to me seemed a little tense, but their faces were flushed with excitement.

The last VCR was of me.

[“Seo Hoyun, tell us how you feel about the last performance.”]

It was Kim Heeyeon’s voice.

My laughter echoed.

[“Of course—”]

My voice resonated in the hall.

[“I have to do well.”]

Kim Seonghyeon looked back at me. He smirked.

Let’s do well.

It was exactly like when Seong Jiwon had said that to me, and I couldn’t help but smile.

Of course.

We prepared so much.

The stage opened. As we walked forward from the dark backstage, dazzling lights poured into our eyes.

An unbelievable sight unfolded before us as we adjusted to the blinding lights.


Countless fans filled the audience seats, waving The Dawn’s slogans.

“Seo Hoyun! Seo Hoyun!”

The cheers erupted. Fans were ecstatic just seeing my face.

The effect of a 6% viewer rating was tremendous. Even I started to feel overwhelmed.

At the same time, the intro ended, and the beat of the song composed by Kang Ichae began.

The song was called “Kismet.”

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