Chapter 87

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[Quest Arrival!]

When I came to after fainting, a blue system window was floating in the air. I blinked my eyes and jolted upright.

The system window had returned.

“How did it…”

No, it wasn’t important how it came back. What mattered was that it had returned to normal after Min Jiheon’s incident.

“Why did you disappear?”

But there was no answer. It was evident that the system window chose not to appear on purpose.

I sighed, staring at the screen floating in the air.

“Quest check.”


[Quest Arrival! “Let’s create a fan song together!”

The group shines more in group activities rather than individual ones!

Let’s make a surprise fan song for Noeul.

Success: 5,000 points awarded.

Failure: If a fan song isn’t made within two weeks, Dance stats drop significantly (B+ to D+).]

I carefully looked at the quest window.

Usually, I wouldn’t suspect a hidden meaning in such a quest, but something felt off this time.

First, “group activities rather than individual ones.”

On the surface, it seemed like a perfectly normal quest compared to the ones I’ve received before.

“Individual activities” – in other words, they want to divert my attention from acting. While I did think group activities were more appropriate at the moment…


If they wanted to discourage me from acting from the start, they should have stopped it when the offer first came in.

In other words, a quest like this should have appeared when the CEO asked if I wanted to act. Or at least when Seong Jiwon asked about acting, and I resisted saying I wouldn’t do it.

But now?

Besides, if they wanted to stop my acting activities, why not give a quest asking me not to appear in the drama?

Or is it that they can’t?

For some reason, it seemed the system window also had limitations. That’s why it sent a quest with such a tight deadline, as if trying to disrupt my acting activities.

In other words,…

“They’re nervous.”

It was a message to avoid Min Jiheon.

The system window remained faintly glowing. But I didn’t need an answer anymore. I had found the answer in its silence.

I quickly got up and went to the living room. The members, who had been talking for a while, suddenly stood up when they saw me.

“Uh, um…”

It would have been nice if they had forgotten about me and were happily playing, but these kind-hearted members couldn’t do that.

Which group would feel down just because one of the members was feeling down?

“Feeling down, huh?”

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