Stayed in

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We are both awake but I didn't want to move. I lay halfway in him. He pets my hair. He tells me stories of his past. He was like me abused. We are a perfect match for together. We know none of us would betray each other. My hand traces his scars and he would sometimes trace mine.
"Percy?" I say quietly.
"Yeah Holly?" He answered.
"I love you." I whisper.
"I love you so much there is no word to describe it." Whispered back. I snapped my fingers and he has boxers and I have a Tahiti and his boxers. Two plates of food floated in front of us. We sat up with me beside him. We ate with smiles on our faces. The day we spent together we told stories, played games, we were always honest to each other. We both knew our bonds are strong. Somehow we both always have to touch each other. I feel asleep resting my head on his shoulder. I can feel Percy moving me in a more comfortable position. I snuggled into his warmth I feel his arm go over my waist and pull me closer. I feel his breathe fan my neck.
"I love you  Holly more then my heart can hold. I loved you since you stayed mortal. You make me feel complete. I only hope I'm making you complete." I heard Percy's voice.
And he does. He make me feel so complete my love spills out of me with no attention of stopping. He is my one and only.

A Weasley outsiderWhere stories live. Discover now