Chapter 2 Page 28

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visiting Nikki's grand parents was so lovely and nice...And today is the day we will go back home and I will go and live back with Nikki...Go back to the paparazzi and the gossips everything I hate will be back. 

"Sophie, come in here" I walk tot the living room and see Nona sit whit a big white box.

"before you leave I wanted to give you this" I sit down next to her seeing her eyes tear up. She opens the box and shows this beautiful white dress with lace.

"I wore this for my wedding...and since I never really had somebody to wear it I want you to have it and wear it for ur wedding with Frankie" I look at her and hug her starting to cry.

"Thank you so much, of course I'll wear it, wait you know about the wedding?" I say letting her go.

"all he did was talk about you and he told me you where going to be his wife so, Frankie will be shocked to see you in this dress, he will be happy." I take her hand and smile at her hearing those warm words...Nikki is lucky to have her.

"Sophie?" I hear Nikki call for me making us laugh.

"Talk about the devil" Nona laughs giving me the box and walking outside with me.

"here they are" Nikki grabs my waist and pulls me closer making Nona smile at us.

"Sorry your grandfather had to leave so early he is always finding something to do." She laughs at us making me put the white box in the car.

"what is that?" Nikki asks leaning over my shoulder making me quickly close the trunk.

"Nothing that matters to you" I wink at Nona.

"Women" Nikki says rolling his eyes and going for a hug from Nona, and after our goodbyes we leave again...going home...Nikki back to his normal...well busy life and me I'm not sure where this leaves me right now.


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