Chapter 3 Page 9

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I look at Sophie while she walks out, and she looks happy...I never thought I would be that person to make her happy again. I don't want to take a step back from her or this, because I'm afraid i might fall hard  over my  heart. I still remember the day..I fucked up Tommy's wedding, I wonder what I'll do on my own wedding. I think to myself while I put a red Pill in my mouth...and let's confirm this, it's something for a headache. I walk over to the mirror and smile at myself seeing my face happy, because I made. I'll fuck up anyway so better now than later right? I feel my head spin and the feeling I missed for so long is finally back. 

"NIKKI ASSHOLE GET OUT OF HERE, SOPHIE WILL KILL YOU IF YOU ARE LATE!" I hear Tommy yell, i just reply with a happy 'yes' and go outside going to make this happy day...a happy day.



I hear the bells and I feel a knot in my stomach, nothing bad. Just finally I will  him marry him, I loved him so much for so long and I finally feel like we are at this point where we love each other equal. I see Sharise come towards me and she nods revealing Mick behind the door making my eyes tear and my heart drop. the story about the whole 'Mr Mars can't have kids'...yeah was indeed true, I'm not his daughter and I don't know who my father is but to be fair, I wouldn't want anyone else to be here with me today then Mick. I walk towards him and he takes my hand looking at me. 

"you look so beautiful" i return his compliment with a sweet smile. 

"Sophie, I-" 

"Don't, not today, not right now" I smile at him taking his arm and walking down.

"I don't know if this is a good idea, Kid. marrying him" I look at Mick and laugh.

"Me neither" I  say making us both laugh. I can see the ails and I feel stressed, but ready to love him everyday of the rest of my life.


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