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I was sitting in my Spanish class half asleep when my teacher called everybody's attention.

"Hola clase. We have a new student today."

I didn't look up, I honestly didn't care.

"His name is Benjamin Rodriguez and he moved here from LA." I knew that name before I looked up with wide eyes. It was my celebrity crush, Benny Rodriguez. He starred in the movie The Sandlot and I've had a crush on him ever since. The only empty seat in the class was next to me.

"Benny you can go sit next to Rosa." Mrs. Murray pointed to the seat next to me. I gained some confidence, he sat down next to me. (Rosa is your Spanish name)

"Hi, I'm Y/n." I said in a cute perky voice. He smiled at me, which made me melt. "Hi, I'm Benjamin but you can call me Benny. That's what my friends call me." I smiled and he did too.

"If you want you can sit with me and my friends at lunch. Only if you want to and don't get another offer." "Thanks, I think I'll take you up on that offer."

The teacher Mrs. Murray called our attention. We were going to watch a video on our 6-pack. During the video I was making jokes, me and Benny were cracking up. Some people were looking at us like we were crazy but I didn't care. I was with Benny finally, the one I've wanted to be with.

Benny was in my seminar, which is a fifteen minute class before lunch. I sat next to him and talked to him the entire time. We talked about where we were from and our hobbies. When I told him that I play softball he seemed impressed and said that it was cool.

"You seem pretty cool. Usually people will just fan over me."

"I have a confession." I told him. "What?" "I'm a fan." I said, I felt kind of bad because I didn't want him to feel like I was like everybody else. I actually want to be his friend.

"Hey, that's cool. Your not like everybody else. At least I don't think."

"I'm not." I said. He gave me a smile. "I didn't think you were."

The bell rang and we walked down to lunch. "Well I've gotten a lot of offers today." "Oh." I tried not to look hurt but my face showed it. "Hey, don't worry I've decided I'm going to sit with you and your friends." I smiled and led Benny to our table. I sat on the edge in my normal seat and Benny sat to the right of me. Jenna sat right in front of me and Gwen sat next to her.

"Guys this is Benny Rodriguez. Benny this is Jenna and Gwen." I gestured towards them when I said their name. They both gave me wide eyed looks. The mouthed "You mean the actual Benny?" I nodded. Benny packed his lunch so when they called us to go up and buy lunch, I had to leave him there.

"Oh my gosh! Y/N you are so lucky!" Gwen said. "What do you mean?"

"Benny was totally flirting with you." "What your crazy. Look someone is flirting with him right now." This girl named Maddie and Gabby were talking to Benny and Maddie was sitting in my seat. I got really mad. Maddie was dating my ex crush, it still bothers me. Now I just get called a hoe by everyone. I pulled one prank on someone and suddenly I'm a hoe. I hope they weren't talking about me. They probably were though, they were always mean to me. Gabby for I don't know what reason, I think she is just jealous. And Maddie it's because I liked her boyfriend.

I got back to my seat, right after they left. "What did they want?" I asked.

"What do you mean?" Benny asked. "They are jerks to me, I hate them and they hate me." "Well they seem nice to me. But they told me things about you." That is fantastic, this is the greatest day of my life. "Well that is just there cover. To seem nice."

"What did they say about me?" "Do you really want to know?" He asked, he gave me this look that I could just tell was going to be something bad, but I could handle it. "Yes."

"Well they said you were like a freak or something and that I should go sit with them and their friends. They also flirted and said I was cute." I rolled my eyes. "Please tell me you don't actually believe that." "I don't. Just why would they say something like that?"

"Well I had a crush on Maddie's boyfriend. And Gabby I don't really know, I think she is just jealous of me." "Why would she be jealous of you?"

"In kindergarten I was best friends with her crush so I guess that's why but I don't know." "Oh." I started to eat my lunch. Finally it was down to our magic water bottle flip but I had to clean the table first.

"Ok Benny do you have any questions that you want to ask the magic water bottle?" "How about um, does my crush like me back?" The inside of me sank, geez he already has a crush on someone. "Geez Benny it's your first day and you already have a crush." Jenna exclaimed.

"Yeah, I know it's kind of crazy but she's really nice and pretty." I wasn't feeling to hot after that. I asked the water bottle that question and it landed on yes. "Sweet." Benny said. I could tell he was skeptical but so are we. "I might ask her out after school today." He said. "Geez so soon? I would never have the guts." Gwen said. "Yea well the magic water bottle gave me hope." He smiled.

The bell rang and we got up to go to our class. I stopped at my locker to grab a piece of gum. Benny luckily wasn't in my next period. The rest of the day was kind of a blur, turns out I also had my last class with Benny, which was language arts.

I was walking out to my bus when I got stopped by Benny. "Hey Jessica." "Hey Benny." I tried to look cheerful but I was dying inside and all I wanted was to get home. Everybody in my class after lunch kept making fun of me for liking Benny and how obvious it was because of how much I talked to him. "Would you maybe want to go see a movie with me or something." My face lit up, I can't believe he was asking me out. Wait! Does that mean, that I'm his crush. OMG!! "Yes, of course I would love to." "Alright I'll see you later." He waved and walked away towards the car pick up line. I smiled to myself, I told them, I told all of them.

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