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Your day had just been the worst. You were on your period and you had very bad cramps and mood swings. Your best friend just bailed on you, the one that was keeping you alive. Everybody is a liar. Your best friend says when you feel sad just call him and he will help you but when you call him he doesn't pick up. You stormed into your room and threw your phone at your bed. You were secretly hoping it didn't break but didn't care if it did. You angrily hit you bed multiple times, you were about to cry. Before you started crying you put on your shoes and walked out of your house to the park. Your phone was still in your room, you did not feeling like dealing with that at that moment. Some guy was at the park but you just decided to ignore him. You sat on a swing and lightly pushed yourself just thinking of ways to push the ugly thoughts out of your head. You had been fighting for so long, to keep on fighting is hard. The guy sat on the swing next to you. "Hey." He said, he started to lightly push himself too. You didn't answer him, you just decided to keep your mouth shut hoping he would go away. You didn't want to talk to anyone, the very existence of someone just makes you mad at this point. "What's wrong?" You looked at the guy: He was tan probably Hispanic and he had a baseball cap on that said LA on it. You still didn't say anything. "I'm Benny." He said. You still said nothing. It was silent for about a minute. "Do you not speak English?" This time you decided to speak up. "Oh I speak English." You said a little rudely. Benny was kind of shocked that you actually spoke. "Then what's wrong?" You gave him the stink eye. "What makes you think something is wrong?" "Well first of all you seem a little angry at everything a second of all a pretty girl like you doesn't just sit on the swings alone without something being wrong." You blushed a little put pushed that away. He will just destroy you don't trust him. "What are you doing here anyway?" You asked him. "My parents were fighting so I just decided to get out of the house." "That sucks." "So what's wrong?" He asked again. You didn't know why but you wanted to tell him everything. You started thinking about everything and started crying. He put his hand on your back. "Please," You said. "Please just stop acting like you care, go away like everyone else. Just leave me be." Benny didn't remove his hand. "I'm here for you. I'm not moving." This just made you cry harder. You fell onto the ground. Benny joined you. Instead of repulsing away from him, you hugged him. It felt so nice to actually hug someone. It felt so nice to have a warm body comforting you and not just a stuffed bear. It felt so nice. You eventually pulled away and wiped your eyes while laughing. "I'm y/n." "Well nice to meet you y/n." You were silent for a minute but Benny broke the silence. "So what's wrong?" "It's been a rough day." You laughed.

     After a little bit, you gave Benny your number since you didn't have your phone on you at that moment. You couldn't wait till you got home to check your phone to see if Benny texted you, maybe he would call. You thought Benny was very cute but maybe he was just taking pity on you. He seems like a cool guy though. You quickly got to your room and found your phone. The screen thankfully wasn't cracked. A notification popped up on your screen.

    "Hey, it's Benny."

Comment if I should make a part 2 ✌🏻

Benny Rodriguez Imagines/REQUESTSWhere stories live. Discover now