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*Warning killer clowns*

I was chill'in with the boys in the basement watching My Little Pony on crack(cause why not?). It was really funny and we were all laughing. Benny had his hand around my waist and every time he laughed he would squeeze my side which would tickle and made me laugh more. Suddenly all of our phones went off, it was an amber alert.

Amber Alert: Please stay indoors there is a serial killer on the loose

"Yo what is this." Ham said. "This is probably just some prank." I shrugged it off and put my phone down. "Guys my brother is having a party we should go." Bertram suggested. "But the amber alert says to stay indoors." Smalls was looking worried, he would be worried about this kind of thing. He's always been a goody goody who is afraid of everything. "Oh Smalls don't be a party pooper." Squints got up and started to head up the stairs. Everybody else got up too. We weren't really concerned about the alert we all just thought it was some prank.

We arrived at the party, the house was shaking from how loud the music was. We all split up, some of the guys decided to find the beer, a couple were searching for their friends, me and Benny just stuck together and headed over to the dance floor. Yeah-Yeah and Squints were already dancing with girls. I put my hand over my heart. "I'm so proud of them." I pretended to wipe away tears. "They're growing up so much." Benny said while sniffling. I laughed at our silliness, this is why we go together so well. Benny took my hands and brought me onto the dance floor. We danced for about 10 minutes, but we got tired so we decided to find some drinks. I filled my solo cup with beer from the keg. I started to take a sip but Benny took the cup out of my hands and replaced it with water. "I'm not letting you get wasted tonight." I pouted and opened the water bottle. I was standing by a window with Benny next to me. I took a drink and looked out the window and what I saw was the most terrifying thing I've ever seen. I spit out my water. "Woah, you good n/n?" Benny asked confused. I pointed out the window to the clown with the knife in it's hands. "We need to leave now." "I'll get the boys." Benny said while taking off to the kitchen. This is not good, I hate clowns. I'm not ready to die yet. I still have a whole life with Benny to live. I want to get married and have kids. I ran to the kitchen where Benny was with all of the boys. "Shouldn't we stay here at the party. We will have a better chance of surviving." Ham said. "Shouldn't we call the cops." Smalls questioned. "That's true, in movies they never call the cops." I brought out my phone and went to the emergency keypad. I typed in the numbers, I put the phone up to my ear. "911 what is your emergency?" A lady said from the phone. "Hi, we found the serial killer he is right outside the house with a knife." "Ok, stay inside and lock the doors. What is your address?" I lowered the phone and turned to Bertram. "What's the address to this place?" "4211 Bermingham Dr." I brought the phone back up to my ear. "4211 Bermingham Dr." "Ok, now you need to locate the killer and stay away from him. There will be officers there right away." "Ok, thank you." I hung up because I am not staying on the phone and wasting time like a dumb person in a horror movie. "Alright guys we have to stick together." I told them. I tried to show them that I was in complete control of situation but I wasn't, I was freaking out. "The lady told us to find the killer and stay indoors. But we should always be near and exit so we can easily get out." They all nodded along to my plan. "Let's go to the back, there are more people in the back." We made our way to the back door. We stood in the doorway, looking around for the clown. Then I saw him, he was peaking over the fence. We made eye contact, I held my gaze, maybe if I keep staring at him he won't move. But I was wrong, he started to climb over the fence. Everybody in the backyard was wasted, so they didn't mind the clown. Until the clown brought out its nice and stabbed some girl in the neck. I brought my hand up to my mouth. "Oh my god! GOOO!" We went into the house but I stopped I had to warn everybody. "EVERYBODY OUT! A SERIAL KILLER IS HERE!" "Your darn right they are." One guy said and raised his drink. A couple of people whooped. "I'M SERIOUS!" I didn't want these people in here to die. Next thing you know people are screaming and trying to get through the crowd. "EVERYBODY RUN!" One guy yelled in the doorway just before he got stabbed in the back. People screamed and started running. I couldn't find any of the guys and I couldn't make my way through the crowd. Suddenly someone grabbed my wrist and started dragging me through the crowd. When we got out of the house I saw that the person that grabbed my wrist was Bertram's brother. He knows who I am we've talked a couple times. "Are you okay y/n?" I nodded. "Yeah, thanks." I saw the group of guys except for Smalls. "Where's Smalls?" I asked. "He went looking for you." Bertram said. Oh god, we can't loose Smalls, he's the nice one in the group other than me. "Benny get everyone out of here." "What about you?" "I'm going back to get Smalls." "No, you can't." Benny grabbed my wrist to hold me back. I yanked my wrist out of his grip. I looked into his eyes and said. "I have to." He nodded. I ran back into the house. The guys called out to me, but ignored them and ran back in. The house was empty. Suddenly I heard a scream come from the kitchen. I slowly walked in not sure of what I was going to find. I saw Smalls on the floor and the clown was about to stab him. I grabbed Smalls' hands and yanked him forward. The clown stabbed at nothing. His knife hit the floor and seemed confused. I got Smalls up and pushed him towards the exit. The clown grabbed my leg and pulled me down to the ground. I felt a sharp pain in my calf. I screamed. I looked back. He stabbed my leg, he pulled the knife out. I flipped myself over and kicked the clown where the sun don't shine. I figure this was my chance to get away. I got myself up and limped/ran out of the house. I saw that Smalls was with Benny. None of the guys were with him. I limped over to him. "Y/n! What happened to you?" "He got my in the leg." I said and showed him my leg that had blood running down it. "Oh my gosh!" Benny started to panic. "Benny! Calm down! We need to go!" "Can you walk?" "A little bit." He wrapped his arm around my torso. We tried to go as fast as we could. "Where are the guys?" I asked. "They are at my house." "Benny I need to go to my house." "Why?" "I need to get something." "What could you possibly need to get?" "Just go back to your house I will be over in a couple minutes." "Ok, stay safe." He gave me a kiss on the cheek and went the other way towards his house. Thankfully his house was right across from mine." I went into my room and searched under my bed for the bat that I hid. I always had a bat under my bed just in case and murderer were to come into my room and try to kill me. I opened my front door and saw the clown in the middle of the street. I closed the door and locked it. I called the cops and told them the new location of the clown. "It's just down the street." "Ok, thank you ma'am." I hung up and looked outside and saw that it was going up to Benny's house. "Oh no you don't." I ran out towards the clown. When I got close enough I bashed its head. He fell to the ground. He didn't seem to be moving. I heard the cop's sirens. I pounded on the door. "Guys open up it's me!" I yelled. The door didn't open. The clown started to regain consciousness. I pounded on the door harder. "OPEN UP GUYS! BENNY!" Still nothing. I stepped back off of the porch. The clown was standing straight up and faced the door. The door finally opened and it revealed Benny on the other side. "NOO!" I yelled and jumped onto the clown's back. I started to choke him. He stumbled down the steps. I heard the cops pull. The clown tripped and landed on his back which also meant he landed on me. I let out a big breath and started coughing. I couldn't breath, I got the wind knocked out of me and it wasn't going back in. Suddenly I felt a big weight being pushed off of me. It was Benny pushing the clown off of me. I took a big gasp of air so I could get air back in my lungs. I kept coughing. I slowly got up when I heard. "FREEZE!" I turned around and stepped back. I was now behind the clown. He seemed to be reaching for something in his boot. "PUT YOUR HANDS UP!" The cops yelled. I put my hands up and so did Benny. The clown still didn't. "I SAID PUT YOUR HANDS UP NOW! OR I WILL SHOOT YOU." He yelled again. The clown brought up the hand with a gun in it. He put it in his mouth and pulled the trigger. He blew his brains out. I gasped. The shot scared me and so did seeing him with his brains blown out. I could feel blood on my face. It was so disgusting. "Aw great." One of the cops said and put his gun back in his holster. "We lost another one." Both of the cops approached the dead clown. "Miss are you alright?" I still had shock all over my face. "N/n? Are you okay?" Benny asked me. I shook my head and got out of the state of shock. "Uhh, y/n is your leg okay?" Ham asked from the doorway. I turned around and looked at my leg. My leg was stained red from the blood and the stab was still bleeding, I could see a little bit of bone peeking out. I suddenly just felt the pain from the stab. It hurt so bad, that everything started spinning and faded black. I passed out. But I didn't hit the ground. Benny caught me.

*A couple days later*

I woke up in the hospital. My parent and Benny were beside my bed. "Oh thank god sweetie!" My mom gave me a hug. "Mom that's a little to tight." I said barely breathing. "Oh sorry." She let go. "We are going to go tell the doctor that you're awake." My mom signaling that they were going to leave me and Benny alone for a couple minutes to talk. "Ok." I said smiling. "Hey how are you feeling?" Benny asked and grabbed my hand. "I feel a little bit crazy not gonna lie." I said. Benny laughed. "Well you are on a lot of pain meds." I looked down at my leg and saw that the stab was wrapped up in gauze. "You had to get ten stitches." He said. "Cool." I said and rested my head on the hospital pillow that was supporting my head. "You know you made the front page of the newspaper, for taking down that clown." "Good." I smiled.

Benny Rodriguez Imagines/REQUESTSWhere stories live. Discover now