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Baseball and Softball tryouts were this week and I was freaking out, I am practically shaking. I could tell Benny was nervous too. Benny was standing with the guys in our usual spot in the morning when I walked into the school. I went up to him, put my arm around him, and laid my head on his shoulder. Benny also put his arm around me once he saw that it was me. "Hey y/n, how are you feeling?" He asked giving me a squeeze, everybody's attention was on my answer.

"I'm so nervous, I am shaking." I brought my hand up and showed the guys a slight shake in my hand.

"Y/n you have no reason to be nervous." Benny said, I rolled my eyes at his comment.

"What do you mean! There are so many other great girls trying out and they are only having two teams." I could feel my nerves getting more on edge as I progressed.

"You will be fine, you are a great softball player, plus they also need good pitchers. I on the other hand should be worried." That comment of his really set me off.

"Benny! You are literally the best baseball player I've ever seen in my life and I've seen a lot, you have nothing to worry about!"

"Yeah well you are too!" We were now in a heated argument.

"Benny you hit homeruns like me bunting it's the most natural thing in the world to you, it's like your second nature!"

"Y/n, I've never seen anyone work as hard as you have for this team, you work out six times a week and practice a bit on the seventh! How could you not think that you are good enough!"

"Benny you get up at 7 in the morning everyday in the summer just to play baseball all day, no one is as dedicated to this as you are!"

"Y/n, you stay later to get more practice in as if you need it!"

"ALL RIGHT BOTH OF YOU JUST SHUT UP!" Ham cut in. "This argument has gone on long enough. Y/n you are an amazing pitcher and an amazing player, you went to Europe for Cripes sake, so quit worrying! Benny! Everybody knows how good you are, being good a baseball is your thing. Now both of you SHUT UP!" The bell rang signaling us to go to class.

"I love you, good luck." Benny gave me a peck on the lips.

"I love you too, and good luck." And we separated.

Do you guys like having titles? It took me so long to write this because my hands are still shaking.

Benny Rodriguez Imagines/REQUESTSWhere stories live. Discover now