Bad Acting

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I havent had food in a while and Benny had noticed that I started getting skinnier." Goodnight Y/n." Benny gave me a kiss on my forehead that was feverish. I dont know if I could ever fall asleep I was so hungry. After about twenty minutes I could feel myself drift out of consciousness. "Benny." I whispered, I couldnt muster up the energy to speak any louder. I reached out towards him to try to wake him up but he never stood. Thats where I took my final breath.

Benny's POV

I thought I heard y/n say my name but Im sure it was nothing, but something did alarm me. The fact that I couldn't hear her steady breathing. I turned over and saw y/n sleeping. I wanted to make sure that she was alright so I shook her. "Y/n." She didnt stir, not one bit. "Y/n!" She wasnt moving her body was limp. I couldnt find her pulse. Tears started down my face, I loved her. I should have made her eat something she cant be gone. I called 911 and they took her to the hospital. Im sorry sir but shes gone. The medic said.

"Cant you do anything!" I yelled, they couldnt just give up on her.

"No sir she is gone."

"She cant be!" I got on her and started giving her CPR." Come on y/n breathe, wake up." I heard her gasp for air. Her heart monitor started beeping again but slowly. Oh thank god! I let out a breath and relaxed. The doctors came racing in at the miracle. "What is wrong with her?" I asked them.

"She seems really weak, her heart barely has enough energy to be beating." The doctors were checking all her stats and made sure that her heart would continue beeping.

y/ns POV

I faintly came around, I was so weak and tired. I felt Bennys hand rested on mine. I smiled weekly. "Benny." I whispered for him to come over. "Benny." I said a little louder this time.

"What is it my love?" He asked coming up towards me.

"I'" I said then burst out laughing, I couldnt hold it in." Im sorry I couldnt keep a straight face." I said laughing, Mike started laughing too, I love it when he laughs.

"CUT!" one of the directors yelled. "Y/n you were doing so well." The director said.

"I'm sorry, I couldnt help it for some reason."

"Mike could you please calm your girlfriend down we have a show to finish." Mike had to take a minute to stop laughing.

"Darling, you need to focus ok, you can do it. He gave me a reassuring smile." I nodded at him.

"Ok, I got this." He gave me a quick peck on my lips and went back to his position.

"Ok, now go back to acting like you are dying of starvation."

"I am dying of starvation!" I yelled.

"Not right now, you can eat after this." The director said. I rolled my eyes at him at went back to sleep. "Annd, Action!" He yelled.

I woke up barely having enough strength to talk. "Benny," I said faintly, no reply." Benny." I said again. This time he came up to my bed.

"What, what is it my love?" I could see the concern in his eyes.

"I'm so.." I couldnt help but smile and laugh again. Mike laughed again as well.

"Y/n quit trying to make your boyfriend laugh." The director said again.

"I swear I am not doing this on purpose." I said laughing. "I promise I have it this time Russell."

"Ok, then everybody get in your places."

I woke up barely having enough strength to open my eyes. "Benny," I said, there was no reply. "Benny." I said again, this time he came up to me.

"What is it my love?" He asked, his eyes full of concern.

"I'm.. so." I took a deep breath so I wouldnt laugh. "Hungry." I faded back to sleep. I could hear people scrambling around me.

"Well go get her something to eat then!" One of the doctors said to Benny. He ran downstairs to the cafeteria to get a sandwich.

"Here," He said, I have it here. He looked at the doctor.

"Well dont look at me, I dont need it!" He yelled.

"Right." Benny woke me up and fed me the sandwich. But there was a bit of a problem about the sandwich, there was mayonnaise. Im allergic to mayonnaise. I spit it back out.

"Cut! What is wrong with the sandwich!" The director yelled.

"It, it has mayonnaise." I could already feel my lungs swelling.

"Oh shoot. Somebody get her EpiPen!" Mike yelled.

I felt like I was really dying in a real hospital. "Who the hell put mayonnaise in the sandwich!" The director yelled.

"I love you." I said, feeling like I was about to die.

"Hold on y/n, you are going to be alright." Someone tossed my emergency bag to Mike. He took out the epipen and put it in my arm. I felt everything in my be relieved, I could breathe a lot easier now. "Thank you!" I said and hugged Mike.

"Hey, what are boyfriends for and I love you too." He gave me a kiss on the lips.

"Well, we will call that a wrap for today." The director said.

"Ooo, a wrap sounds good." I said, everybody laughed. I looked into Mike's eyes and felt happy. He took my hand. "Then we will go get you one. "He smiled.

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