Chapter Five

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Remember the italics are in the past.

Mary stirred the broth then lifted the ladle. It was hot. Steam wafted upwards bringing with it the soup's aroma. She pursed her lips and sipped. The heat of it burnt her tongue. Mary's small round head nodded approval. The loose curls of grey hair, which hung from beneath her mop hat bounced. The consommé was perfect. She had added a little extra bone. The convicts who supped upon the broth would remember its taste for days.

She had bowls and spoons laid out in readiness. It wouldn't be much longer. Mary busied herself with cutting the bread she had also baked. They stood tall and domed their crusts thick and golden brown. As she drove the knife into the loaves, the tops crackled and crumbled.

The wind caught the shutters so they flapped and beat against the stone walls. Fire blazed in the hearth. Mary had sweat on her forehead. Her hands were red. Her knees sore from scrubbing the sandstone floor. She was young. Her thick wavy hair escaped the band of her mop hat. Mary smiled. Patrick would be here soon to bring a load of firewood to fill the firebox in readiness for tomorrow. She rushed to get the floor finished before he arrived.

Patrick had been paying her welcome attention for six months. Once a week he brought the firewood to Miss Marches house where Mary cooked and cleaned.

Three weeks ago Mary had allowed Patrick to stay and lay with her in the small room, which adjoined the kitchen. She washed herself, brushed her hair and splashed lavender on her clean blouse in readiness for his arrival. Miss Marches had gone to bed. Mary would not be needed until morning.

The sound of the door opening from the internals of the house made Mary look up.

Alice stood by it. She had finished laying the table for the master and his guest. She carried a tray in one hand and rubbed her swollen stomach with the other.

"Ye all done now, Alice?"

"Yes." Alice dragged her feet. She was weary and becoming more so more often.

"What's up, Alice are ye feet sore again?"

Alice nodded as she sat herself on one of the wooden benches.

"After the master's table has been cleared tonight, we'll soak 'em in 'ot water and I'll rub 'em with liniment." Mary paused. "They'll be backs to rights after the babe's born."

When Patrick came through the door the force of the wind blew his hat from his head. It rolled across the kitchen floor. The door slammed against the wall. Rain splashed on the floor. It banged once more before Mary rushed to close it. Patrick placed his armload of firewood into the firebox then dusted his sleeves to remove the splintered timber and bark. He took off his coat and walked toward her. Mary blushed and handed him his hat.

"Ah, Mary you're a sight to see." Patrick brushed the hat aside, wrapped her in his arms and lifted her from the floor. He let her slide down his body. Her full breasts pressed against him. Patrick tilted her face toward him.

Mary welcomed his wet hungry mouth on hers. She felt him hard against her. As she pushed him away she saw hurt in his eyes. Mary smiled, took him by the hand and led him to her room. She locked the door and then turned to face him.

Mary dusted her hand on her apron. She put some of the sliced bread on the tray that Alice had brought with her. She took another tray from the cupboard and placed the rest of the bread on it.

Alice watched her at work. Mary seemed tense. Puzzled, Alice said, "Is something the matter, Mary?"

"I'm just wondering what's taking 'em so long." Mary took a cloth from the washstand and wiped the breadcrumbs from the table and into her hand. "I don't want the Master's meal to spoil, especially since he has a guest."

Patrick's breathing quickened as Mary lifted her blouse over her head. He came to her and took her breasts in his large callused hands. "Mary you are a sight to see," he said once again. He lowered his mouth and ran his tongue over her nipples.

Mary's breath caught in the back of her throat. She moaned with pleasure as Patrick pushed her skirt down and ran his hands over her round plump buttocks.

"Oh, Mary..." He gasped against her neck as he kissed her. Patrick drew her to him. He gently pushed her onto the bed.

Mary opened her legs and welcomed him to her. They moved together in quiet desire. She felt him peak so she thrust harder toward him. He lay heavy on top of her. She ran her hand through his tousled hair and kissed his forehead.

Patrick pushed himself onto his elbows and looked into her eyes.

"Oh I shouldn't be too concerned about his guest." Alice beamed. "From what Aiden has told me, I don't think the master is too fond of him. Perhaps if the meal was bad, Mary he wouldn't come back." Alice held her hand under her belly as she laughed.

Mary tried to hide the smile which was fighting to appear on her face. "Shush girl. What if the master hears ye talking like that? They could come through the door at any moment." Mary let the smile blossom then with a stern voice asked, "Have ye made up the guest room?"

Alice grimaced and nodded.

"What about water, did ye fill the wash basin with water for Mr. Pead?"

"Yes," Alice whispered. "I hope he drowns in it." Her mouth broke into a broad grin.

A look of shock crossed Mary's face. She raised her finger to her pursed lips. "Shush, enough of that now, Alice." Mary threw the wet cloth across the table and hit Alice in the face as she chuckled.

"Mary I've got something for you," Patrick said.

She smiled. "Haven't ye just given it to me?"

Patrick laughed and jumped from the bed. He dug into the pockets of his trousers.

"What are ye doing?" Mary giggled.

He waved his hand to quiet her. When he found what he was looking for, he walked on his knees towards her. Patrick took her hand in his and kissed its palm.

Mary was puzzled but excited.

"Mary," he said, looking into her eyes. "Will you marry me?" Patrick placed the ring in her hand and folded her fingers over it.

She opened her palm and stared in amazement. The small gold band sparkled in the candlelight. She looked into his eyes, tears in her own. "Yes, Patrick. Yes I will marry ye."

Thanks again for reading. xoxo

Photo copyright Leo Rocker.

Copyright © 2018 Donna Fieldhouse. All rights reserved.

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