Chapter Thirty-Four

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The house was buzzing with activity because the Chaplain was coming to christen Robert and to marry Alice and Aiden.

Mary had worked for days baking. They had a cake, tarts and, other wonderful things to eat. She wanted it to be a very special day for Alice. A day she would remember forever.

Alice had sewn her own wedding dress. It had taken her weeks and was made of cream cotton with a five-gored skirt. She had gathered two rows of material and sewn them to the hem of the skirt and up into one of the seams where two of the gores met. Alice had then made a bow and sewn it on top where the ruffle ended. She chose a round neckline and had sewn the same ruffle around it with a similar bow to match the one on her skirt. The sleeves of the dress were long and she had a silk sash, which Aiden had once bought her, to tie around her waist.

Jessica was to be Alice's bridesmaid. She wore her normal skirt and blouse. To pretty it up Alice had a similar sash to tie around Jessica's waist. She could not afford to make Jessica a dress too, and did not want to put that cost onto Master Louis. He had been generous enough, by supplying the food and wine. He said it was his gift to them.

Jessica and Alice did each other's hair. Jessica tied Alice's up high on her head. She left some strands hang loosely down the sides and wove ribbon and flowers in a ring on the top. Alice decided to leave Jessica's hang loosely, she pulled the top layers and tied them back with a ribbon in a style she called a waterfall.

"You know me, Jessica. I like to give everything a name," she said when Jessica laughed. Alice placed the same flowers in Jessica's hair, so that they matched each other. Alice also knew Master Louis liked Jessica's hair down and as he was to be Aiden's best man, she wanted him to admire her bridesmaid.

They were going to eat outside in the courtyard. Mary had instructed the men to carry the large kitchen table and benches outside. She had decorated the table with a white calico cloth and had strewn flowers across it. The best silverware and crockery was laid out.

Mary had placed sweet biscuits, bread triangles with spicy pastes, cheese squares, and boiled toffees on the table. There was roast pork and vegetables for the main meal and tarts and boiled fruitcake with thick icing for later. Mary had constructed, out of icing two figurines, one the bride and one the groom. Alice had not yet seen them and Mary wanted to surprise her. She was going to place them on top of the cake with a third figurine, a baby, which she would lay at the cake's base.

Aiden and Louis stood at the altar of the small chapel. Mary and George were seated holding baby Robert excited to become his Godparents. Aiden smiled nervously at Louis as Alice and Jessica entered one after the other through the door. "Oh Master, she looks so beautiful, everything a man could hope for."

Louis nodded his head. "I'll agree to that," he said though his gaze was not on Alice when he spoke.

When Alice reached Aiden he took her hands and kissed her lovingly on the cheek. "You look beautiful, Alice," he whispered. Alice blushed and hung her head with a big smile on her face.

Louis and Jessica stepped back so Alice and Aiden stood together by themselves in front of the Chaplain.

"Dearly beloved," he began.

Louis looked at Jessica as the Chaplain began the words of the marriage ceremony. When the Chaplain asked who gives this woman, everyone laughed, they had not thought of someone to give Alice away. George stood up with a big grin on his face. "If it's all right with you, Master Louis, Alice, Aiden, I would be honoured to give Alice away."

Louis nodded and smiled. He looked at Alice to make sure she was happy with this.

She too nodded. "Please do, George or I may never be married."

The Chaplain said the words again. "Who gives this woman?"

George stepped forward. "I do." He then stepped back and sat beside Mary, who patted him proudly on the arm.

When the ring was called for Louis handed it to Aiden. He slipped it onto Alice's finger and whispered, "I love you very much."

Before the Chaplain had a chance to say you may kiss the bride Alice was already in Aiden's arms.

The Chaplain smiled. "I believe we also have a christening to perform."

"Yes Father, our son," Aiden said as Mary and George came to stand at the altar with Robert in Mary's arms.

Louis took Jessica by the hand. He led her to the pews and sat beside her. "You look very lovely today, Jessica," he said.

She smiled and glanced at him shyly. "Thank you, Master." Jessica felt his eyes upon her. She was afraid to look at him. Terrified her eyes would show she admired the way he looked also. She focused her gaze on Robert and smiled when he protested with a cry as the water was poured on his head.

Louis chuckled. "I think I would do the same as Robert if water was being poured onto my head," he whispered to Jessica, his eyes glittering.

Jessica didn't answer. She felt suddenly uncomfortable sitting so close to him. She realised his leg was brushing against hers and couldn't understand how she hadn't noticed this before. Jessica swallowed the lump that had formed in her throat. Her heart pounded. She moved on the pew as if to get more comfortable. In doing this she was able to put some distance between them without seeming to be obvious of moving away from him.

Louis smiled once more at her. He felt her withdrawal and knew why she was moving. He tried to hide the sting he felt. Louis wanted to enjoy this day and was determined to not let Jessica's obvious dislike of him, spoil it.

When the ceremony had finished Louis took her hand once more. He knew it made her feel uncomfortable but wanted to see how she would react.

Louis led her down the aisle and out through the door, where still holding her hand, he shook Aiden's in congratulations and kissed Alice on the cheek. He didn't let go when Jessica attempted to pull her hand free so that she might also congratulate Aiden and Alice.

As he led her across the courtyard, he bent down and whispered in her ear, "You will hold my hand willingly until I am ready to release yours." He smiled and added, "And you shall dance with me and seem to enjoy it, do you understand?"

Jessica glared at him then wrenched her hand from his hold. She walked as quickly as she could into the kitchen, knowing Louis was following her. "Would you like some help, Mary?" she asked as normally as possible, hoping Louis would not pursue this matter.

"Yes, Jessica, thank you," Mary beamed. "The vegetables need to be turned."

Jessica took the cloth Mary handed her, but before she could move to the oven, Louis had her by the arm. He smiled at her and then at Mary. "Jessica will be back in just one moment, Mary, there is something I need her to do for me."

Mary smiled back at him. "Yes, Master there is no hurry."

Oh...dear.  I think Jessica is in trouble again. :(

Copyright © 2019 Donna Fieldhouse. All rights reserved.  

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