Chapter Eighty-Three

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Louis thought of Jessica as he sat with these people. Her soft grey eyes so full of hope and life came to him. Would he ever see them again? He didn't regret his decision to follow her, even now, as his life was held at the mercy of the sea he knew he would still make the same decision. He wasn't a religious man but as the sounds of the storm began to die and the ship was set to rights, Louis prayed. He made thanks for this reprieve and the chance to find Jessica so he could set his life in order.


For the two days which followed the storm all hands worked on deck and below to clean up her almost devastating effects. Sails needed to be mended. Wet linen and clothes hung out to dry. The qualities of the food stores needed to be accessed to see what loses there were and what goods could be salvaged. Everyone was busy doing one thing or another.

On the third day after Mother Nature had emptied the wind from her lungs the Navarino lay dormant on the sea. Only an occasional rocking of the waves moved her from side to side. An oppressive heat settled itself on her and all she carried. Most of the men had taken to sleeping on deck.

The sailors lowered one of the longboats and dived from it and into the calm seas to cool themselves. Louis and Peter joined them but the ladies were not so lucky. The two elderly women didn't have the physical capability. Sarah couldn't swim so they sat on deck with damp cloths dabbing their necks and forearms. Hand fans were virtually useless in such heat.

"Sarah, why don't you come for a swim? I'm sure you would like it," Peter said on the fifth day of the calm.

"Oh yes I would love to, but you know I cannot swim, Peter," Sarah answered giving him a disdained look.

Her aunt beamed. "I'm sure Master Copeland would only be too pleased to teach you Sarah or at least help you into the water and keep you safe." She turned to Louis and added, "Wouldn't you, Louis?"

Louis roused himself from his gentle slumber against an unused sail. "What was that you say? I'm sorry I didn't hear you." He yawned and stretched his arms above his head.

"My granddaughter would like to swim, but alas she does not know how. I have watched you, Master Copeland. You are a very strong swimmer. I feel she would be safe in your hands, sir. Would you do her this favour and help her into the water and allow her to bathe?"

Louis hesitated to answer. He looked from one face to the other as they waited.

"Please, Louis. I'll help you get Sarah into the water," Peter begged.

"What if something should happen?" Louis said with concern.

"Sarah go and put on your brother's trousers and shirt." Mrs. Charmers ignored Louis and waved her hands frantically at her granddaughter. "Hurry. They will be suitable for you to swim in."

"I haven't said yes, Mrs. Charmers." Louis bolted to sitting and gave her a stern look.

"Oh...but you must. Surely you would not let the child suffer this heat with no relief. You saw her excited face."

Louis had no choice, the decision had been made, and half an hour later he was bare chested in the water helping Sarah over the side of the long boat. Peter held her hands while Louis supported her waist with one hand and held onto the side of the boat with his other. Peter laughed when his sister squealed as the cold water touched her skin.

"You hold her tight, Master Copeland!" Mrs. Charmers yelled over the rails of the ship.

Louis frowned up at her, not pleased with this situation that had been forced upon him.

Once Sarah was fully in the water Louis told her to hold onto the side of the longboat and to not let go. He stayed beside her while she kicked her legs in the water.

She was a little frightened and the strain of it showed on her face. However, she enjoyed the coolness of the water. "You won't leave me will you?" she asked nervously.

He shook his head.

"Will you come closer please? I would feel much safer if I held on to you," Sarah pleaded.

"I am very close, Sarah. An arm's reach away. You keep holding on and when you've had enough I shall help you back into the long boat." He smiled at her to reassure her all would be well. After fifteen minutes or so Sarah decided she'd had enough. All the while Mrs. Charmers had been watching the two with great interest, hoping an attraction might take place.

Louis called to Peter to come and help lift his sister. He wrapped his arm around her waist. Sarah let go of the longboat. Louis hadn't expected her to do this. She almost slipped from his grasp.

Sarah screamed and flung her arms around his neck. "Oh I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to scream," she said looking into his eyes.

Louis just nodded feeling very disgruntled.

"I know you won't let me go," Sarah continued.

Louis nodded once more and looked up at Peter. "Are you ready?" Peter reached out and took hold of his sister's arms as Louis said, "Sarah hold onto the longboat."

Sarah pouted, obviously enjoying the close contact she was having. She reluctantly let go of Louis.

Peter took hold of her hands and pulled while Louis helped by lifting her as best he could with his one hand. Once she was in the long boat he climbed in, and then proceeded to help her climb the rope ladder to the deck of the ship.

Mrs. Charmers smiled brightly. "How was that, Sarah? Are you cool?"

"Oh it was just lovely, thank you, Louis." Sarah squeezed the water from her hair and fluttered her eyelashes at him then excused herself so she could change into her own clothes.

Before Mrs. Charmers could say anything Louis also excused himself so he could change into dry clothes. She sensed his displeasure, but shrugged it off because she had other plans for Master Copeland.

Copyright © 2019 Donna Fieldhouse. All rights reserved.  

Mrs. Charmers is a conniving old bat isn't she?  

Leave Louis alone!

CHAINS TO FREEDOM.✔Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora