Chapter Seventy-Seven

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Jessica wandered through the streets of Hobart Town. She had cried all the tears she could and had now made a decision. She had to leave Van Diemen's Land. There was no other way. She must allow Louis to be free to marry Rachel so he could give his child a name.

The ship loomed in front of her, dark and frightening, rocking gently on the waves, its hull rubbing against the dock. The rigging slapped against its masts. Jessica lifted her head to see their awesome height.

"Get yeself along now, move it!"

The iron collars that connected them pulled tightly as each convict stepped onto the gangplank. It was cold in the shadow of the ship's hull. Jessica looked up at the rigging.

There would be no turning back.

"Would ye be lookin' fer someone, lady?"

The gruff voice startled her. Jessica realised she may be putting herself in danger. "Yes, do you sail on this ship, sir?

He laughed. "Sir! I ain't never bin called, sir by a lady 'efore." He chuckled some more and said, "Yeah, I sails on this ship, what can I do fer ye?"

"When does she sail and where is she sailing too?"

"The morrow, miss. Early. To England."

"I would like to buy a passage, please." Jessica held out her hand to him. "My name is Jessica Loxton."

The man rubbed his head and gave her a curious look. "Ye 'ad better come an see da captain, miss." He took her hand and shook. "Me names Belch, miss. Evan Belch."

Jessica nodded and followed him up the gangplank. He motioned her to follow him across the deck. She felt unsteady on her feet as the ship rocked backwards and forwards.

Her head spun as the world spiralled out of control.

"Mr. Belch. I am sorry, but I feel that I must sit down."

He nodded his head and smiled. "Wait 'ere, miss and I'll bring da captain."

Jessica sat on the steps, which led to a higher deck. She held her head in her hands and closed her eyes.

Her chest ached. Her bowels quivered and her stomach surged. Jessica slammed her hand over her mouth and peered through the dark stinking shadows of the hull. She realised she was not the only person who felt this way.

There would be no privacy.

There would be no shame.

There would only be hell.

"Miss Loxton. Are you not well?"

Jessica looked up at the grey bearded man who spoke.

"It's just the motion of the ship. It has been a while since I've been on board one."

He nodded his understanding and went on with business. "I'm Captain Thompson. Belch here tells me you would like passage to England."

"Yes." Jessica stood and held on to the rail of the stairs. "I have no money, but one of my earrings should more than cover the cost." She pulled an earring from her lobe and handed it to him. "It is gold and diamond." She paused and added, "I can only offer you the one as I will need the other to pay for a passage to Ireland."

Thompson took the earring and studied it. "Are you sure you want to leave Van Diemen's Land, Miss Loxton?"

"Yes I am certain of it."

He nodded his head slowly and studied the woman in front of him. Captain Thompson would have liked to ask more questions, but decided it wasn't his concern. He fiddled with the earring, looked back at it and said, "I will accept the earring." He held out his hand to her. "We sail at dawn."

Jessica shook his hand with some vigour, relieved. "Thank you, Captain."

"What of your baggage, Miss Loxton?"

"I've not yet packed." She gave him a smile. "I don't have much and will return shortly."

"Very well, miss," Captain Thompson nodded. "I'll have someone waiting for your return."


The others were not back from the ball. Mr. Carter, the manservant gave her a curious look when he answered the door.

"Thank you, Carter," Jessica gave him a weak smile as she stepped over the threshold. "I'm not feeling very well so I've come home early." She dabbed her brow with her handkerchief. "Could you please inform Master Copeland when he returns? He'll be wondering why I left the ball early. I didn't want to ruin it for him." As she moved toward her bedroom she added, "Could you please tell him not to worry. I'll speak with him in the morning."

"Certainly, My Lady." Carter tilted his head in respect.

Jessica hurried down the hall. She changed into a plain brown dress and packed her few belongings. She hid the second earring in the hem of the blue ball dress but kept the necklace on. She slipped it inside her high collared dress and vowed to never take it off.

With the quill and parchment paper that was on the small desk in the corner of her room, Jessica wrote Louis a letter explaining as best she could her reasons for leaving. She then locked her door and threw her bag out of the low double hung window. She climbed through it, drew the curtains closed, and then slid the window shut behind her. 

Copyright© 2019 Donna Fieldhouse. All rightsreserved.

For goodness sake.  What is she doing?

Do you think Jessica has done the right thing?

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